Pay no attention to the increasing pit bull DBRFS and life flights...They are media fabrications!
According to this US
Federal study published in 2010, dog bite related hospitalizations are up a population adjusted 86 percent since 1993. Additionally, Dog Bite Related Fatalities have a increased from
5 annually in 1974, to an average of 31 annually by 2012. Despite 30 years of worthless, breed neutral assurances and educational efforts by the dog lobby and Center for Disease Control, Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are now killing 25 Americans per year.
Enter now the life flights....Those unlucky enough to find themselves mauled by a pit bull and poured into a life flight helicopter have no idea of the wild ride they are in for. The average cost of a 45 minute helicopter medical transport is $18 000..and that's before the costs for medical treatment at the trauma center and the subsequent plastic surgeries begin accruing. The owner of the pit bull is financially responsible for these costs, but unfortunately, the pit bull industry now targets the under 30 set who tend to be renters without liability insurance or financial assets. Even those victims with excellent medical insurance will find that their policies do not cover plastic surgery.
Real World, Typical Example:
Another Real World Example where the victims have a better chance of seeing Bigfoot than having the "Responsible Owner" have adequate liability insurance or financial assets to pay for their poor judgment:
Actual first responder and dual life flight response for a 3 year old boy and his grandmother attacked by two loose pit bulls in Culpepper,VA back in May 2007.
And another real world example:
Compilation of Pit Bull Life Flights:
Note* This is just the tip of the bloody iceberg. Apologies to any victims who were missed!
Dec 2013, Jacksonville, TX, 3 year old extensively mauled, airlifted and put on life-support by his mother's pit bull. His mother appeared to be involved in pit bull advocacy.
Dec 2013, Bluff City, TN; 8 year old girl being held by her mother somehow triggers the family pit bull. Airlifted to to Johnson City Medical Center with 9 inch u-shaped wound in her scalp. Referral to DSS.
This family didn't deserve this...The Pit bulls had been quarantined in March 2013 and Sep 2013 for bite incidents...Now, who gets fired at Animal control?!?
Dec 2013. Polk County, FL. An entire family is attacked by the neighbor's escaped pit bulls. The 6 year old takes the worst of it, abdomen ripped open with organs exposed, Life Flighted to Tampa General Hospital Florida's 54th Pit Bull Life-flight!
Nov 2013, Cowlitz County, OR; 89 year old woman is shredded by her neighbor's pit bull. Airlifted to Legacy Emmanuel Hospital in Portland with "part of her arm torn off"
US Pit Life Flight number 316....The Serengetization of America is nearly complete!
Oct 2013, Stockbridge, GA; 60 year old woman walking her poodle and sheltie is viciously attacked by two loose pit bulls. After neighbors use blunt objects to rescue her, she is airlifted to Atlanta Medical Center with extreme facial injuries and blood loss. Neighbors canvass the area looking for her Sheltie
Oct 2013, Shelbyville, TN; Pit owner Donald Merlo was airlifted to Vanderbilt Medical Center after having his face and arm ripped by his own animal.
Oct 2013, Tucumcari, NM; 20 year old Nuttress claims a stray pit bull attacked her own pit bull which was tied up in the backyard. Police have to shoot it off of her and she is airlifted by Meat-Copter to an Albuqerque Hospital 180th American Citizen life flighted due to a pit bull attack since President Obama took office. He has also presided over 101 American Pit Bull DBRFs
Meat-Chopper takes off with ripped up toddler onboard
Oct 2013, Armstrong County, PA; 2 year old toddler climbs baby gate to get to the pit bull at the house her family was staying at. Gripped about the arm and flown to Children's Hospital
Sep 2013, Faulkner County, AR; Grandfather's pit bull snaps it's chain to get at his 3 year old Grandson...Airlifted to the hospital with serious head injuries
Sep 2013, Bushnell, FL; 7 year old boy attacked by neighbor's yard escaping Pit Bull. Airlifted to Arnold Palmer Hospital with 2-3 bites and a broken ankle. Owner says "The dog was good with kids"
Aug 2013, Jasper, AL; 5 year old girl mauled by loose neighborhood pit bull and AIR VACed to Children's Hospital of Alabama with brutal injuries to her face, neck and ears
Another heartwarming family pit bull moment!
Aug 2013, Magee, MS; Relative's pit bull pulls two year old boy off of a swing to get him down on the ground and scalp him. Airlifted to hospital in Jackson after family members pry the animals jaws off of his head. "Never showed signs of aggression before"
Aug 2013, Cowplain, England; "There was blood everywhere" when a man walking his pit bull in park and it decided he needed mauling. The animal was locked onto his arm for 40 minutes while passerbys pelted it with rocks and sticks. Police, air ambulance and paramedics finally showed up but they hauled him off in a ground meat wagon..."The dog was wagging it's tail the whole time, like it was playing"
Aug 2013, Antioch, CA; 10 year old boy mauled severely on the head and arms while visiting pit owning friends over the weekend. Flown to UC Davis to get sewn back together. His family is holding a medical fundraiser in lieu of the pit owners taking care of his galactic medical bills
Damn, That's a pretty helicopter!
July 2013, Escambia County, FL; 63 year old woman had taken in two stray pit bulls for 5 months and cared for them. All was fine until they went pit bull and tried to kill her and the other "family pit bull". Flown by EMS to USA Medical Center in Mobile
July 2013, Hoisington, KS; Neighbor's pit bull jumps a fence to maul a 4 year old boy playing in the back yard. Flown to Wichita Hospital with severe injuries to his face and arm
June 2013, Clay County, IN; Diabetic Pit Nutter dreams of his pit bull licking his toes. He wakes up to find two toes missing and working their way through his pit bull's digestive tract. Airlifted.
June 2013, Green County, TN; 2 year old boy wanders into the chained Canine IED in the back yard. Airlifted to Johnson City Medical Treatment Center for severe head wound after a police deputy shoots the thing Babysitting mishap
May 2013, Coffeyville, KS; 2 year old girl mauled by one of her family's five pit bulls then airlifted to Wesley Medical Center. The family decides to euthanize all five of the animals Leg severed at just 2 days old!
May 2013, Wilson County, TN; 2 year old is attacked and mauled, then flown to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Sheriff: "Dog and owners not at fault since the dog was on-property".
May 2013, Henderson County, TX; Child attacked by a pit bull in a home near Eustace. Life flighted to Dallas Hospital in critical condition
May 2013, Daytona Beach, FL; 27 year old out on a walk with her six year old daughter takes a mauling from 5 containment breaking pit bulls to save her daughter. Flown to Halifax Medical Center
April 2013, Bradenton, FL; Family pit bull with previous 2X bite history grabs 6 year old boy by the head and neck and thrashes until family members can beat it to release.
The boy is life flighted to a nearby hospital
April 2013, Prairie City, IA; 4 year old Jordan Arndt is mauled by her baby sitter's American Staffa-shredder. She is life flighted to the hospital but she doesn't survive, becoming the 28th US pit bull DBRF victim in the last 365 days
Mauled Child Incoming!
April 2013, Buckeye, AZ; Two boys playing in their backyard are attacked by the family pit bull when they remove a chew toy from it's mouth and the canine idiot decides to use them as chew toys. One of the boys is airlifted
April 2013, Bay County, FL; Medical fund set up for 7 year old Tyler Jett, who took not one but two life flights after being pulled off his bike and mauled by neighbor's two loose pit mixes. The perp tried washing the blood off the animals and has been arrested on evidence tampering and drug charges DBRF!
March 2013, Brownsville, TX; 8 year old boy savaged about the face and head by neighbor's Pit Bull. Life flighted to San Antonio hospital
March 2013, Springfield, OH; Pit owner attacked and bull baited when he breaks up a scuffle between his pit bulls. Poured into life flight chopper
March 2013, Bishopville, SC; Police officer mauled while investigating a neighborhood drug deal. Flown to the trauma center with serious groin injuries and will be out of work for a month. Another classic pit bull net drain on society moment!
In 2007, Houston allowed a "Pit Bull Task Force" influence local dog safety policy. F-Minus grade assigned
March 2013, Baytown, TX; 12 year old girl flown to Houston's Memorial Hermann (Again!!) after going over to pit mix owning friend's house.
March 2013, Macon, GA; 5 year old boy scalped by pit bull while visiting his Grandmother. The boy's life is saved by neighbor who broke through fence. Caesar Milan wannabee Uncle stood over the incident shouting ineffectual release commands. Flown to Boston and in the ICU
March 2013, Athens, GA; 8 year old boy airlifted to Egleston Hospital in Atlanta after being mauled by the family pit bull when visiting a friend's house
March 2013, Walworth County, WI; 14 month old toddler attacked by two pit bulls at his baby sitter's house. Life flighted to Milwaukee Hospital where he dies from his injuries. The owner was injured during the rescue attempt despite owning the animals since they were cubs. DBRF!
March 2013, Dundalk, MD; Pit breeder claims the dog in the video is a pit-beagle mix. One thing for sure... it's a life flight doggie!
Feb 2013, Lakewood, NJ; 10 month old girl gets too close to the family Nanni-mauler while it feeds. MEDEVAC'd to the Jersey Shore University Medical Center and in Critical Condition
Feb 2013, Grand Isle, NE; Woman staying at relatives is mauled saving her four year old son from the family pit bull. Airlifted to Bryan West Hospital. "Every bone in my hand, in my arm was broke and crushed and just scattered into pieces."
Jan 2013, Montgomery County, TX; 4 year old Christian Germanous becomes Texas' 44th pit bull DBRF victim. Mauled by neighbor's pit bull, life flighted and later dies at the hospital DBRF!
Jan 2013, Lee County, FL; Family takes in stray pit bull thought to be lost hog hunting animal. Three weeks later the three year old mauled about the head and neck then poured into a life flight helicopter
Jan 2013, Beja, Portugal; 18 month old toddler falls on family pit bull. Life flighted to hospital in Lisbon with "severe head injuries" and dies two days later DBRF!
Jan 2013, Fitchburg, MA; Mother and daughter attacked by another tenant's pit bull at an apartment complex. After the pit bull is stabbed off the victims, the mother is MEDEVAC'd with serious facial injuries and bites to her hands.
Jan 2013, El Paso, TX; 67 year old woman attacked by breeding pit bull and has her thumb bitten off. Police Deputies were able to locate her thumb and it accompanied her on the air ambulance ride to local area hospital
Happy Maulidays from the neighborhood pit perps!
Dec 2012, Cullman, AL; Neighbor's pit bull escapes the yard and attacks a young woman visiting her parents to exchange Christmas gifts. Airlifted to Birmingham hospital with broken arm, 300 stitch facial mauling and bites to her torso.
Killed by a reckless pit bull rescue outfit
Dec 2012, Griffin, GA; 5 year old girl taken by helicopter to hospital after family pit mauling...I got a piece of wood and tried to hit him with the wood, but he wouldn't stop," Police dispatched the beast with firearms
Dec 2012, Parkersburg, WV; 32 year old woman bitten severely in the face by her roommate's pit bull. Flown to Charleston Hospital for facial reconstruction
Dec 2012, Mansfield, TX; A toddler was seriously injured Monday evening and another man also was hurt after the two were attacked by a family pit bull. The 2-year-old girl who was taken by helicopter ambulance to Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth and her condition was unavailable Tuesday morning.
Buying Pit Bulls off of Craiglist is like a box of chocolates.......
Nov 2012, Georgetown, OH; Man buys three pitties off of Craigslist from pit trafficker.... Gunfire, rescue and airlift ensues. Thinking of buying a pittie off of Craigslist?!? Make sure you watch the heartwarming video first!
Oct 2012, Cleburne, TX; 10 year old girl attacked by loose pit bull on her way over to her friends house.. Takes a good ole Texas pit life flight.
Oct 2012, Marshall County, MS; A nine-year-old girl is seriously injured in a dog attack. Marshall County deputies, animal control, a MedStat ambulance and area firefighters responded to the scene. The victim was airlifted to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis.
Oct 2012, Henry County, NC; 52 year old man mauled by two loose pit bulls. EMS crews transport him to Memorial Hospital in Martinsville with "extensive damage" and then he was flown to Wake Forest where he was in critical but stable condition on Wednesday afternoon
Sep 2012, United Kingdom; 78 year old man walking his Labrador is falls and hits his head when an illegally owned pit bull attacks them. Airlifted to local hospital where he languishes for a month before dying from traumatic brain injury. The illegal pit owner offered her condolences
Sep 2012, Osceola County, FL; 4 year old boy life flighted to Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital after being mauled by a pit bull
Sep 2012, Shasta County, CA; 81 year old woman brings phone message over to her neighbor who owns two pit bulls. After the owner has to use a crow bar to achieve release, she is life flighted to Mercy Medical Center with grave injuries to her face, jaw, arms and back
Sep 2012, Muskogee, OK; Both parents of a Muskogee three-year-old girl, who was attacked by a pit bull Thursday, were arrested for Child Neglect. Police said the child was flown to a Tulsa area hospital
Sep 2012, Chingotingue, VA, Leon Hall has near fatal adventures in Pit sitting episode when his Son's breeding Pit and two pups send him on a life flight to a Baltimore Hospital. *Lesson: Never let your children grow up to be Pit Breeders!
Aug 2012, Louisville, KY; A 59 year old deaf woman was attacked and mauled by a pit bull walking home from her friend's home. Medics flew her to University of Louisville for treatment. Sturgeon likely will need several more surgeries to save her arm,
Aug 2012, Okeechobee County, FL; 7 year old girl mauled about the arms, head, and face by family pit bull "Ooga" then airlifted to St Mary's Regional Medical Center. Ooga had previously bitten a three year old at a birthday party
Aug 2012, Sundre, Alberta, Canada; 26 year old woman attacked by friend's two pit bulls and has nose "non-surgically" removed. Flown to Foothills Hospital where she is expected to survive
July 2012, Stockton, CA; 3 year old girl airlifted after the nanny dog gets ahold of her head during a family gathering. "Knife therapy" had to be used to make the animal release Sheesh!..How many goddamn pit-airlifts a year do they have in Maulifornia?
July 2012, Middletown, NY; 32 year old woman life flighted to Westchester Medical Center after her Pit Bull mauls her. Police shoot the beast 4 times.
July 2012, Chino Valley, CA; Pit owning neighbor convicted of child abuse after her two pitties send a 4 year old boy on a life flight ride to a Phoenix Hospital
The life flight strain pit from the attack below
July 2012, Effingham, GA; 5 year old boy life flighted to Memorial University Medical Center after being mauled by the family pit bull at a neighbor's home during a playdate Parents: Just Say "No"!
"We have a Pit Bull Problem, Houston" Houston's Memorial Herman medevac pilots maintain high levels proficiency transporting the area's steady stream of Pit Bull mauling victims
July 2012, Cold Spring, TX; Man airlifted to Memorial Herman Hospital in Houston after pit bull attack. The woman he was walking with was merely transported by ambulance.
July 2012, Oceanside, CA; Oceanside Police Family Protection Unit investigates after six year old girl is mauled by a family pit bull in an apartment, then takes a helicopter ride to Children's Hospital Severe facial injuries
June 2012, Merriville, IN; A 9-month-old Merriville girl suffered brain, head and neck injuries after her family's dog attacked her Saturday morning, police said. She later was airlifted to Comer Children's Hospital in Chicago, where she had surgery Brain injuries?!?
May 2012, Bakersfield, CA; Both parents treated for injuries when the family Pit Bull attacks their 3 year old toddler. The little guy is airlifted to Maderas Childrens Hospital
May 2012, Pottsville, PA; A 48 yr old man and a 34 yr old woman get a ride in a life flight helicopter after their pibbles get into a fight and redirect on them.
May 2012, Hopkinsville, KY; 9-month-old child was attacked by two pit bull puppies.
when he fell out of his bed, police said. The pit bulls then attacked the boy, according to the report. He was taken to Jennie Stuart Medical Center before being flown to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.
May 2012, Beaverdam, OH; 1 year old girl attacked and mauled by family pit bull. Life flighted to Toledo Hospital where she dies, becoming the first child killed by a pit bull in Ohio in 25 years. The legislature was flim-flammed by the pit lobby just a few months earlier. DBRF!
May 2012, Rock Hill, SC; 11 year old Kenny Allen life flighted after being scalped by neighbor's chain busting pit bull. Years of surgeries expected...
Apr 2012, Mountain Home, AR; 3 year old boy life flighted after being mauled by pit bull adopted out by local humane society.
April 2012, Martinez, CA; Three year old girl MEDEVACed out of Pit Granny‘s house when misunderstood Pit Bull "Turk" savages her head
April 2012, Gainesville, FL; 9 year old girl is airlifted to Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta after newly adopted pit bull rips her.
April 2012, Satsop, WA; 82 year old woman mauled by her grandson's two pit bulls in her own home. Deputy Dave Pimentel called "the most severe dog attack I have ever seen." Her Grandson had to shoot the wigglebutt off of her...a common pit family theme
March 2012, Jeanette, PA 55 year old man attacked by his pit bull that he had owned for 5 years. His daughter had to pour hot coffee on the disloyal beast. Flown to Pittsburgh area hospital with serious injuries to his arms
Why take a Chance?!?
March 2012, Benton, TN; Police chief Ronnie Brown was visiting his daughter when the family pit bull decided that his granddaughter looked tasty. Brown threw her up on the trampoline and the pit bull named "Chance" locked onto his hand. Brown the choked out Chance and was flown to Vanderbilt Medical Center where he underwent several surgeries on his crushed hand
Feb 2012, El Paso County, CO; 9 month old girl takes a helicopter ride to the hospital after being mauled by the illegally kept family pit bull. Father in law charged with illegal ownership of a dangerous dog Obeying the law would have prevented this
Feb 2012, Chino Valley, AZ; Woman arrested for aggravated assault and child abuse after her wigglebutts maul two children. The 4-year-old suffered serious injuries and was air-lifted to Phoenix Children's Hospital
Jan 2012, Graz, Austria; Aunt Eveline's Stafford-shredder that she had owned for 8 years, suddenly decides to kill her two year old nephew. The boy is flown to the hospital for emergency surgery
Jan 2012, Magnolia, TX; 1 year old boy mauled by grandparent's family pit bull. Life flighted to Houston area hospital and dies 5 hours later
Dec 2011, Plumstead, NJ; Domestic dispute deteriorates into boyfriend siccing his pit bull on his 34 year old girlfriend. She is airlifted to a Trauma Center in Trenton
Trauma Surgeons deal with the bloodbath
Dec 2011, Plumstead, NJ; Neighbor's pit bull jumps 2 fences to attack 3 year old playing in her own yard. Life flighted to trauma center with severe injuries to back and head. Out: Nanny Dogs...In: Life flight Dogs!
On the way to the vet to have a 71 year old woman's face sliced out of it's tummy...Trigger happy Police officers stand at the ready in a callous, discriminatory manner while the stunned owner says "Good Bye".
Dec 2011, Bridgewater, MA; family pit bull attacks and eats the face off it's 71 year old owner. While the victim is life flighted to the hospital, police take the face eater to the vet to have the woman's face parts surgically removed from it's stomach.
Dec 2011, Pueblo, CO; Woman scalped by pit breeder's loose cash cows and life flighted to Denver trauma center. The animals actually abandoned their "cubs" to go off property and get her in a manner reminiscent of African lions.
Nov 2011, Herminy, PA; 5 year old boy attacked by neighbor's loose nanny dog. airlifted to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, where he immediately underwent surgery. According to reports, he required numerous stitches for a large laceration from his right ear to his jaw and puncture wounds on the left side of his face, and surgeons placed a metal plate in his chin
Nov 2011, San Diego, CA; Two heroic joggers take on six pit bulls while allowing younger children to escape. Flown to Sharp Hospital.
Nov 2011, Winton, CA; Pit Bull "Smokey" rushes in through sliding glass door to maul 3 year old boy. Life flighted to Fresno area hospital with severe injuries to face and head
Oct 2011, Surprise, AZ; Two pit bull jump fence to attack and maul a harmless 72 year old woman. Transported by helicopter to John C. Lincoln North Mountain Hospital in Phoenix. A neighbor was also bitten while trying to help the victim and was taken to a local hospital for injuries. An off-duty Phoenix police officer, shot and killed both the dogs.
Oct 2011, Welch, WV; 6 year old girl and her grandfather airlifted to Charleston Area Medical Center after being savaged by a pit bull. After a grueling six hour surgery, the girl said she wanted to ride in the helicopter again
Oct 2011, Deerfield Beach, FL; An 8-year-old boy was flown to a South Florida hospital after he was attacked by a pit bull that chased him inside his house. Suffered a serious bite to the face and multiple lacerations
Oct 2011, Alvarado, TX; Careflight helicopter flies woman mauled by three off property pit bulls to hospital in Fort Worth. The county sheriff decides no charges will be filed since the owner submitted the animals for rabies testing.
Oct 2011; Brakpan, South Africa; 18 month old Sandy Zuma and her mother mauled by two pit bulls. Airlifted to Johannesburg Hospital where Sandy dies DBRF!
Oct 2011, Sheboygan, WI, 2 year old boy life flighted to Children's Hospital with broken jaw, swollen eye, and he has a cut on the left side of his face. The pit bull owner and the boy's father couldn't make the animal release, so "Knife Therapy" had to be used
Sep 2011, Ardmore, OK; When Life Flight helicopter is grounded due to bad weather, 50 year old Virgil Cantrell dies in an ambulance of the way to the hospital after being mauled by neighbor's pit bulls DBRF!
Sep 2011, Piqua, OH; Community holds medical fundraiser for 59 year old woman who was mauled by a loose pit bull while riding her bicycle. She was life flighted to an area hospital for surgeries Pit maulings are the perfect crime: This attack produced a life flight and 11 day hospitalization. One owner received a mere $344 in fines, the other just $201!
Sep 2011, Harris County, TX; Newborn boy used as a chew toy by the "family" Pit-lab mix. Airlifted to local hospital where he doesn't survive DBRF!
Sep 2011, Columbia County, FL two Nutter-Babysitters arrested after boy is poured into life flight helicopter and they tell investigators, “a roving Boxer did it”
Sep 2011, Georgetown, DE; 74 year old woman loses an arm after family pit bull "Hunter" decides she doesn't need it anymore. First responders airlifted her to Beebe Medical Center in Lewes and later to Christiana Hospital. Hunter was shot by police and the family placed decorative blue blanket over the blood stained carpet
Sep 2011, Lincoln County, TN; 2 year old life flighted to trauma center after being attacked by un-nanny dog...Noticing a trend with the airlifts...
Paramedics prep toddler for nanny-airlift
Aug 2011, Trenton, NJ; When rescuers arrived, they asked that the 1-year-old boy be airlifted to Children's Hospital for treatment of "severe facial trauma." Pit-Mommie of the Month told investigators that the animal had run off, sending them off burning tax payer dollars. She had the man biter stashed in the house the whole time
Aug 2011, Fayetteville, TN; Family pit bull attacks 2 year old toddler. Flown to the hospital with serious injuries to the head.
Aug 2011, Newport, TN; 10 year old Brandon Williams life flighted to University of Tennessee Medical Center after being horrifically mauled by defeated neighbor's nanni-maulers
Aug 2011, Monroe County, FL; 1 year old boy takes a life flight to a Miami Hospital.
"She was a few feet away, heard the initial attack, went over and initially couldn't get the dog off, but then started screaming at the dog by name and the dog then ceased the attack."
Aug 2011, Pottsville, PA; 13 year old girl flown to the hospital after being mauled by her family's pit bulls. Police shot the animal
Aug 2011 Upshur, TX; , Mother takes two year old girl over to pit fiend's sic house . Life flighted to Dallas hospital Up, Up and Away again!!
Aug 2011, Pasco County, FL; 84 year old man gets mauled while on a walk through the neighborhood. Poured into life flight Helo. Police administer lead clicker training to the offending animals.
July 2011, Millville, NJ; 7 year old boy loses thumb and sustains 250 stitches after being attacked by neighbor's pit bull with bite history. Airlifted to a Philadelphia Hospital F-minus grade assigned to the lazy Animal Control department
July 2011, Harris County, TX; 10 year old boy pulled off his bike by neighbor's containment breaking pit bulls. “The boy was mauled on his upper torso and lower legs,” Gilliland wrote. “He was Life Flighted from the area and is in good condition.”
July 2011, Yellville, AR; 9 year old boy attacked by the family pit bull suffered multiple wounds all over his body and was flown to Little Rock Children’s Hospital with serious injuries
July 2011, Millville, NJ; 7 year old boy has thumb bitten off and chunk taken out of his arm by the pit bull from the apartment downstairs. Flown to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
July 2011, San Bernadino, CA; 46 year old woman is found laying in a pool of blood after her arms are gripped by two pit bulls. Airlifted to the hospital
June 2011, Waukesha, WI; Pit Bull owner takes a "Flight for Life" after attempting to cage it. Police respond and shoot the animal
June 2011, Pottsville, PA; A family pit bull attacked three children early Wednesday afternoon in Pottsville. Two children were sent to a local hospitals for treatment while a third was taken by helicopter to Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown.
June 2011, El Centro, CA; 12 year old boy mauled by neighbor's pit bull. Life lighted to San Diego trauma center
June 2011, Lorain, OH; A 5 year old Lorain boy had to be transported by Life Flight after he was attacked by a “large white pit bull type dog” yesterday afternoon and received severe injuries to his face and arm. Flown to Rainbow Babies & Children’s hospital. He is listed in stable condition today
May 2011, Sumter, SC; Two year old boy found mauled about the head by the neighbor's two pit bulls. Airlifted to Palmetto Richland Hospital.
April 2011, Lexington, SC; 10 year old girl has arm nearly severed by loose pit bull. A helicopter flew her to Palmetto Health Richland, the Midlands’ trauma care center. The responding Sheriff's Deputy who pumped lead is nominated for a Heroism Award
April 2011, Burgaw, NC; 4 year old girl taken over to visit family with 5 pit bulls chained out back...departs in life flight helicopter
April 2011, Jamaica; 1 year old boy mauled and scalped by newly acquired pit bull that forced it's way into the house. Life flighted to hospital in Kingston. After the neighbors rescue the boy, they beat the animal to death.
April 2011, Calexico, CA; 2 year old boy bitten in the face during a barbecue at a local church. Flown out to Loma Linda Medical Center
April 2011, Lake Wales. FL; 46 year old woman Woman walking her dachshunds when they are attacked by two pit bulls. She is knocked down with a pit bull attacking her, biting her arms, legs, ankles and back, police said. Her right leg had 15 to 20 puncture wounds. Flown by emergency helicopter to Lakeland Regional Hospital
March 2011, West Palm Beach, FL; On Wednesday, a toddler suffered a collapsed lung when she was bitten by the family's pit bull-German shepherd mix. Ryleigh-Jaiyde Sills, of suburban West Palm Beach, was flown to Delray Medical Center and underwent surgery.
Collapsed lung and broken ribs
March 2011, Del Ray Beach, FL; DCF investigators investigate safety of the home after 18 month old girl flown to hospital after being used as a chew toy by the family pit mix
March 2011, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada; Noella McIntosh sustains a 900 stitch mauling and subsequent life flight after entering pit owner's lair to get a beer with permission. Pit bull "Zeke" no likey
Feb 2011, Dorchester County, MD; Pit mix escapes it's dog sitter who was watching the animal for it's owner who was in jail, then attacks an 8 year old girl walking home from the bus stop. The girl is flown to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore
Feb 2011, Saugerties, NY; The pit bull, which lived at the house of baby sitter Patricia Risley, 59, attacked Risley, Time Warner Cable employee David Dargan, 33, and a 3-month-old at 11:51 a.m. Dargan, who was on a service call, restrained the dog to help the baby. The baby was flown to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla for reconstructive surgery after neck, shoulder and leg bites. Risley was taken to Albany Medical Center for left forearm and wrist bite wounds. Police shoot off!
Camp Lejeune Marine held on $250,000 bond
Feb 2011, Onslow County, NC; A Camp Lejeune Marine is in deep doo doo with local authorities after his 22 month old son wanders out back into the newly acquired chained up Pitt Bull, His son is initially treated at the Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital then airlifted to the trauma center in Greenville. The child sustained fractured C-6 and C-7 vertebrae Factoid: 8 Military dependent children have been killed by pit bulls causing the breed to be banned in Base Housing areas
Feb 2011, Wadesboro, NC; 10 year old boy attacked in his own backyard by loose pit bull. Mauled about the head, neck and legs, then transported to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte by helicopter.
The owner trafficked the other nine pit bulls to another location...couldn't be a dog fighter or breeder could it?!?
Jan 2011, Pinal County, AZ; 10 year old boy mauled by two loose rott and one pit mix. Life flighted to area hospital
Jan 2011, Wichita Falls, TX; 19 year old pit man-boy receives felony Lillian's Law charges after his pit bull get loose and maul a 48 year old man who receives 500 stitches. The man also loses an ear and an eye. Life flighted to Parkland for treatment
Jan 2011, Lexington, SC; Sleep over at pit nutter's house ends up with police shooting a pit bull off a little girl. The girl had extensive injuries to her neck and arms, and was airlifted to Palmetto Health for treatment Parents...There is a lesson here!
Nov 2010, Des Lacs, SD; 46 year old babysitter scalped and life flighted after family Pit Bull attack. Hazardous Duty Pay for in house Pit Bull owner babysitting services NOW!
Nov 2010, Suffolk, VA; a 76 year old woman was mauled by a pit bull while walking her JRT. She intervened to try to break the "scuffle" ...Suffered head injuries and was flown to the hospital
Oct 2010, Azusa, CA; A 4-year-old boy was flown to the hospital Saturday after being bitten in the face by his family's pet pit bull, police said.
Sep 2010, Marshall County, MS; 9 year old girl airlifted to hospital after pit bull attack
Sep 2010, Wayne County, KY; 9 year old boy pulled off his bike by neighbor's pit bull. Airlifted to the University of Kentucky Hospital to repair the mauled areas in his face
Aug 2010, Williamson County, MO; 5 year old boy attacked by loose pit mixes...The 5-year-old was taken to Herrin Hospital with multiple bites on his face, head and body. He was flown to a St. Louis hospital, where he is listed in critical condition at this hour
Aug 2010, Houston, TX; Middle aged woman savaged by three loose pit bulls. Life flighted to hospital
Aug 2010, Johnson County, TX; 3 year old boy flown to Cook Medical Center in Fort Worth. Helicopter crew prevented from assisting the boy until police gun play clears out the threat.
Aug 2010, Salisbury, MD; 10 year old boy mutilated in front yard when two pit bulls break out of the front door. The boy suffered lacerations to his ear and face and was taken to a hospital before being flown to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for specialized treatment. Two adults in their 60s who had tried to help the boy suffered lacerations to their arms and hands.
Aug 2010, Lasalle, IL; 7 year old Jason Walter is mauled by pit bulls. Pronounced dead by a Doctor riding in the life flight helicopter that was summoned for him DBRF!
Aug 2010, Trenton, OH; After 1 year old boy is mauled and life flighted by the family pit mix, his mother hides the dog from the dog warden.
Aug 2010, Bush, IL; 5 year old boy attacked by loose pit bulls in a public park. Life flighted to the ICU at Cardinal Glennon, he is in a medical induced coma and on a ventilator Maybe they should be rebranded to "Lifeflight Dogs"?!?
Aug 2010, Blackmon County Township, MI; 6 year old girl savaged and scalped while playing at friend's house by the three family pit bulls. Life flighted to the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor.
June 2010, Lakeville, MA; Babysitting pit bull mishap leads to police shooting the animal that attacked the babysitter and 5 year old boy who was life flighted to local hospital. When police arrived the owner begged them "Shoot him!!...Shoot Him!!!"
June 2010, Knox County, TN; 9 year old boy goes over to visit family. Leaves in life flight helicopter courtesy of the Nanny dog tied to the front porch
June 2010, Newhall, CA; 4 year old boy mauled and scalped by containment breaking pit bull at apartment complex. Airlifted to Children's Hospital in Los Angeles
June 2010, Hanover PA; 8 year old boy mauled in the backyard while trying to catch fireflies. Neighbors hammer the two pit bulls with boards and hoses until police show up and shoot them. The boy is transported to Hershey Medical Center by Helicopter
June, 2010, Lewiston, PA; Police force entry to rescue mother and child who are barricaded in the bedroom from prey activated pit Bull. After they shoot the berserker, the 2 year old girl is flown to the hospital with serious head wound and bleeding profusely
May 2010, Kokomo, IN; 10 year old Savannah Gragg is airlifted to Indianapolis Hospital after being savagely mauled on the neck by her family pit bull. She dies in the Hospital a few days later. DBRF!
May 2010, Corsicana, TX; Handyman saves 9 year old boy being ripped apart by neighbor's pit bulls, who was flown to a Dallas hospital. "I am trying to go to sleep and the vision comes back to me. Seeing those dogs chewing the little boy," he said.
May 2010, Reddick, FL; 6 year old girl mauled about the face and neck by a pit bull mix. Airlifted to Shands hospital in Gainesville
May 2010, Springfield, OH; An 84-year-old Springfield woman was attacked May 4 as she was walking down an alley near Lexington Avenue. Lela Hall, who was taken by helicopter to Miami Valley Hospital with a softball-sized chunk of her arm ripped off, is now recovering at home with her family
May 2010, Jeanette, PA; 55 year old man is mauled while saving his daughter inside the family home...Life flighted to a Pittsburgh Hospital
April 2010, Nashville, TN; Teenage girl and her horse attacked by a pack of loose pit bulls. Transported by medical helicopter to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital on March 9, she was in a coma and her prognosis was grim.
Aussie Staffa-Shredder owner downloaded from life fight helicopter
March 2010, Victoria. Australia; 67 year old woman airlifted after the staff-shredder she was dog sitting nearly severs her arm. Rescued by heroic neighbor.
Feb 2010, Prescott Valley, AZ; While visiting grandparents, Pit Bull "Knuckles" sends 8 year old girl on a helicopter ride to Phoenix Children's Hospital due "severe facial wounds"
Jan 2010, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; Mother takes 3 year old daughter over to visit Pit bull owning fiend sic. The girl leaves in a life flight helicopter
Nov 2009, Houston, TX; Pit Bull mauls it's owner. The woman is airlifted to Memorial Hermann after being rescued by her neighbor
Nov 2009, Springfield, OH; Family pit bull shreds its owners until police respond and shoot it off them. The woman was flown to Miami Valley Hospital with serious injuries to her face, arms and legs. Police shoot offs...A pit bull Specialty!
Nov 2009, Monroe County, WV; 70 year old Lowell Bowden is savaged by the neighborhood drug dealer's five loose pit bulls and is life flighted to area hospital where he later dies. The perps later pleaded guilty to manslaughter DBRF! The Nuttress The A/C Director is being sued by Mr. Bowden's family for her F-Troop A/C performance
Oct 2009, Lawrenceberg, TN; Animal Control officer mauled by pit bull. Flown by medical helicopter to Vanderbilt Medical Center for hand surgery
Oct 2009, Oak Hills, CA; Pit bull mauls and fractures the arm of it's 20 year old pregnant owner. The woman and unborn baby life flighted to Loma Linda Medical Center
Oct 2009, Bairdstown, OH; An 8-year-old girl was flown to a Toledo hospital after she was mauled by a stray pit bull mix. The girl's 11-year-old sister saw the attack and tried to help, she too was attacked, as was the girls' mother. The girl's father, shot and killed the dog
Oct 2009, Delhi, CA; after 17 month old Colten Smith's babysitter frantically stabs off her pit bull that was mauling him with a fork, he is airlifted to the hospital where he dies. DBRF!
Oct 2009, Fort Wayne, IN; 63 year old woman is brutally attacked by her son's pit bull. Life flighted to Parkview Hospital where surgeons struggle to save her arm which is finally amputated
Oct 2009, Gilchrist County, FL; 3 year old boy wanders out back to the "Family" Pit Bull. After having his life saved by a neighbor, he is airlifted to the trauma center. DCFS investigating
Oct 2009, West Valley City, UT; Pit Bull "Tank' chews out of his harness, slithers out of his pen and jumps fence to attacks a boy on the street. His cheek is bitten off and laying on the ground. Flown by helicopter to Primary Medical Children's Center

More Pit breeder handiwork and another life flight to Houston's Memorial Hermann
Sep 2009, Montgomery County, TX; 3 year old Life flighted to the ICU after spending the day at her Pit Breeding Auntie’s home. Pit-Auntie gets attacked also
Sep 2009, Warner Robbins, GA; A 2-year-old girl was attacked by the family Pit Bull. The child, who suffered extensive facial and head injuries, was taken by ambulance to Houston Medical Center and then taken by helicopter to Scottish Rite Hospital in Atlanta.
Sep 2009, St Petersburg, FL; 39 year old nurse Patricia Thiel goes out to break up "a scuffle" between her dogs and pit bull "Jake" decides she needs a killin'. A neighbor shoots Jake off her so she can be airlifted to Tampa General Hospital
Aug 2009, North Port, FL; Family Pit bull puts owner on life flight helicopter ride, wife shoots the animal to save him
Aug 2009, St Johns County, FL;A 10-year-old St. Johns County boy mauled in the face, neck and arms by a pit bull was taken by air ambulance to Shands Jacksonville Medical Center with traumatic injuries.
Aug 2009, Rio, WV; Life flight helo summoned after Nanny Dog crib snatches a 3 day old infant off a bed. The mother chokes the pit bull but it will not release the baby. The infant dies on the way to the landing zone. DBRF!
Aug 2009, Contra Costa County, CA; A family pit bull bit a 3-year-old girl Monday evening, causing serious leg ... The girl was taken by helicopter to UC Davis Medical Center and is expected to recover
July 2009, Hamilton, OH; The case of a 5-year-old girl mauled Monday by a pit bull is under investigation as possible child endangerment, Hamilton police said today. The girl remains at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center with serious injuries, She was flown there Monday ...
July 2009, Santa Cruz, CA; A woman is attacked by a loose pit bull. Fortunately, police who were responding to a call happened to see her and pulled the beast off of her. Airlifted to Santa Clara County Trauma Hospital
June 2009, Lookout Mountain, TN; 8 year old girl mauled by neighbor's pit bull. Flown to T.C. Thompson Hospital where the story says she has already endured 40 hours of surgery with much more to come
June 2009, Redcar, UK; Woman takes a mauling shielding her 3 year old son from attacking pit bull. The owner gathers the dog and flees the scene. Airlifted to area hospital
May 2009, Virginia Beach, VA; 13 month old boy life flighted to local hospital after being mauled about the head by family pit mix
May 2009, Twenty Nine Palms, CA; A 9-year old girl is recovering after she was bitten in the face by a pit bull on Thursday. The girl was flown by helicopter to Loma Linda University Medical Center for treatment for lacerations to the face.
May 2009, Hamilton, OH; 5 year old girl mauled by pit bull that had escaped it's cage.
The girl was in serious condition when she was flown by medical helicopter to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
May 2009, Culpepper, VA; Two loose pit bulls severely mauled a 3-year old boy and his grandmother yesterday. Two separate Life Flight helicopters were used to fly the victims to emergency care

Surgeons needed a vacation after sewing this pit bull owning family back together
May 2009, Jeffersonville, KY; Family pit bull goes berserk and attacks all four family members who need to be rescued by police. One of the family members is life flighted and needed 2500 stitches 2500 stitches and police shoot off..Sheesh! Is that some kind of record?!?
April 2009, Wappinger Falls, NY; Pit Bull adopted out by Out of the Pits Rescue rips young Frankie Flora to the tune of 1200 stitches. Frankie later meets President Obama.
April 2009, Mansfield, OH; A 4-year-old boy was listed in critical condition Saturday after being mauled by a pit bull Friday. Gabe Cooper, of 487 S. Main St., was flown to ...
April 2009, Eustis, FL; 22 year old jogger seriously mauled by two containment breaking pit bulls and airlifted to local hospital. Facing numerous surgeries to repair skin and nerve damage.
April 2009, Peabody, MA; Level 5 Beserker puts four in the hospital, one by life flight, the other 3 in Meat Wagons
April 2009, North Port, FL; Last week, the Charlotte Sun reported about a serious pit bull attack that occurred in March. The attack required the victim, Ralph Velardi, to be airlifted to Regional Burn Center at Tampa General Hospital. The victim suffered severe facial trauma, in addition to part of his scalp being ripped off and both of his ears. At the time of the attack, Velardi had been walking to his car. The 19 year old pit bull owner said he "didn't know" how the dogs got out. Just a guess..The 19 year old man-boy nutter "doesn't know" how he will pay for the medical bills either...
March 2009, Hardin County, NC; 11 year old girl life flighted after falling off horse when, a group of horse riders and their dogs were attacked by loose pit bulls
Feb 2009, Norfolk, VA; Navy couple's 7 month old son mauled and life flighted by baby sitter's pit bull which had been adopted out by unnamed rescue. Factoid: Since 911, 5 military dependent children have been killed by pit bulls
Dec 2008, Washington, DC; 75 year old woman mauled while checking her mail by neighbor's loose pit bull. After police respond and shoot it off of her she is MEDEVAC'ed to an area hospital and is in critical condition.
Dec 2008, Broward County, FL; Neighbor's pit bull jumps fence to maul 12 year old boy sending him on a helicopter ride. He suffered three bites on his leg and an 8-inch long gash on his jawline. "He started biting me on my leg and neck. I was thinking, 'Am I going to make it?'"
Nov 2008, Forney, TX; Two pit bulls attacked an 8-year-old girl and her grandmother. in the northwest part of Kaufman County. Authorities say the girl's mother called 911 in hysterics. The girl suffered multiple injuries, including a puncture wound to her chest, right arm and leg. Flown by Care Flight to Children's Hospital in Dallas.
Nov 2008, Willis, TX; 8 year old boy life flighted to Memorial Herman Hospital after being pulled off his bike and mauled by his neighbor's pit bulls. Family sets up medical fund to pay for the medical expenses
Oct 2008, Orange County, FL; 8 year old boy airlifted and hospitalized after getting too close to the chained canine IED while playing at a pit owning fiend's sic house
Pit Bull "Asbo" hauled away after being neutralized by police sharpshooters...
Oct 2008, South London, UK; Family pit bull "Asbo" has to be shot by police sharpshooters after going berserk and attacking his family. Helicopter used to transport one of the bull baited Should have been named "Tax payer bitten in the Asbo"
Sep 2008, Seattle, WA; Six year old boy life flighted to Harborview Medical Center after neighbor's pit bull pushes open gate to his back yard and mauls him.
Sep 2008, White Bluff, TN; 2 year old child attacked and mauled by the family pit bull. Life flighted to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital with lacerations to leg and throat.
Classic Nanny Dog action!
Sep 2008, Pittsburg, CA; Six year old girl recovering after being mauled and airlifted during an August attack when a pit owner assured her it was "Okay" to pet her pit bull. After an attempt to sew her lip back to her mouth failed, she was scheduled later that month for a skin graft in which skin was taken from her belly and sewn to her face
Aug 2008, Pinellas County, FL recently adopted Pit Bull attacks 6 year old boy after he steps on ant bed and starts screaming, producing a life flight. Ironically, the attack takes place in "Safety Harbor" Park
Escaped Justice
Aug 2008, Bonham, TX; Pit perp John Hardy Taylor's off property pitties maul 11 year old girl and 44 year old woman sending them both on helicopter rides to a Dallas hospital. Hardy dies before his trial for Lillian's Law charges
July 2008, Whitesburg, TN; 3 year old boy comes over to visit Pit owning family's Birthday Party, leaves in a life flight helicopter
Burn baby burn
Pit bull inferno
Burn baby burn
Burn that mutha down...
July 2008, Jackson County, KY; Pit bull attack on owners reveals neighborhood meth lab to authorities who responded to the pit crisis...Life flight and drug lair burning ensue Give that pit an award before euthanizing it!
July 2008, Pima County, AZ A young boy was attacked and severely injured by his family's pit bull . The boy suffered severe bite injuries to both legs and was flown by helicopter to University Medical Center.
June 2008, Davenport, FL; 6 year old boy goes for a helicopter ride after "tapping" the
Pit Bull in the head at his Grandfather's house
June 2008, Long Creek, OR; After visiting a friend and her pit bull, a 29 year old man and his severed nose share a life flight helicopter ride
Pit Bull Life Flights are really starting to take off after decades of Organized Pit Idiocy Groups (OPIGS) pushing the breed as family dogs
Another one of the many documented man-killing pit breeding operations
Meet Dozer who couldn't control himself and attacked/scalped the 5 year old boy
*Note: "Raised" is breederspeak for bred, sold and didn't pay taxes...
April 2005, Battle Creek, MI; A 5-year-old girl was flown by medical helicopter to Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo after being bitten in the face by a dog on Tuesday. ... and a friend were playing when the pit bull owned by a neighbor broke free and ran to the girls
This pit bull named "Mystique" had previously attacked two family members and was under a euthanization order which it's owner, 18 year old Jennilee Barlament defied.
Barlament was charged with felony reckless endangerment
Aug 2003, Palm Beach, FL, Pit Nutter takes a Life flight after she is mauled about the arms and neck after breaking up a Pit-scuffle in her house
Pit owners should set up a group frequent flyer program with the MEDEVAC Companies...Just think of the cost savings!
Oct 2002, Willingboro, NJ; His wife, Brenda Koonce, 49, was feeding the dogs crackers when they became aggressive, the police said. The victim, Johnny Koonce, 49, tried to take them outside, but he slipped and the dogs attacked, the police said.
Always expect low information Nutters not to know this stuff....
All aboard the pit bull crazy train! First stop; Maulville!, Second stop; Euthasol Avenue!; Third stop; Coroner Station!
*Disclaimer...You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
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