“Pay no attention to the 500 Dead Humans...According to experts, dog aggression is not the same as human aggression!"
Those are some of the common, idiotic and worthless platitudes from the Dog Fighters and Pit breeders desperate to keep the blood money pumping in. The FatalPitBullattacks.com website documents an ever-growing tally of nearly 400 US Pit Bull Dog Bite Related Fatalities (DBRFs). The compilation below contains 120 Pit Bull DBRFs from outside the United States. When combined with the US body count, over 500 humans have been killed by Pit Bulls. Currently, there is no movement within the Pit Bull Breeding Community to produce and sell a safer Pit Bull.
Combined US and International Pit Bull Body Count: 501 Deaths
Dec 2013, Tijuana, Mexico; Grandmother's Pit Bull grabs 37 day old baby girl out her mother's arms and fatally mauls her during family visit

27 year old pregnant Nuttress killed by her illegal Pit Bulls
Dec 2013, Leeds, England; 27 year old Pit Nutteress who is a mother of four is killed by her Staffa-shredder and illegal pit bullUndertakers haul off another one
Aug 2013, Mexico, 20 month old toddler pulled into fence by pit bull, rendered by the pit and other canine a companions
July 2013, Aguadulce, Panama; 79 year old man picked off by his own pit bull
March 2013, UK, 14 year old girl mauled to death at a friend's house by the usual suspects; two staffashredders, 1 american "pit" bulldog and 2 mastiffs
Jan 2013, Beja, Portugal; 18 month old toddler falls on family pit bull. Lifeflighted to hospital in Lisbon with "severe head injuries" and dies two days later
Dec 2012, Surrey, UK; Elderly Dog walker Brian Cruse dies after his dog is attacked by loose. illegal pit bull and he falls and strikes his head during the melee * Note; This is not a text book DBRF, so it omitted from the bodycount
Dec, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic; A 1 year old boy has been bitten to death in Prague. The mother undergoing psychological treatment after the attack
Dec 2012, St Catherine, Jamaica; 2 year old Ronica Gregory is killed by a pit bull. The dog had previously attacked once before and the case was before the courts
Aug 2012, Nanjing, China; America's Pit Bull pestilence problem is finally exported to China as owner is killed by his own Pit Bull in the street Be sure to watch the video...The owner looks to be hitting the dog in the face with his break stick as it tears his crotch apart
Aug 2012, Porto, Portugal; 46 year old woman has a fatal "Adventures in Dogsitting" episode when she takes care of her Son's Pit Bull-Rhodesian Ridgeback Frankenmauler.
Aug 2012, After Grandfather traffics stray San Diego bred Pit Bull across the border to Tijuana, Mexico, it kills his 4 year old Granddaughter just 3 days later. * Note this is the 4th DBRF from a San Diego bred pittie in under a year!
Aug 2012 Slovakian woman has fatal adventures in dogsitting episode when she volunteers to hold the fort down for her friend who happens to be a Pit Bull breeder
March 2012, Brazil: Pit Bull kills it's owner Be sure to watch the heart warming video!
Feb 2012, KwaZulu, South Africa; 60 year old Alan Lawton killed in his own yard by Neighbor’s Pit Bull
Feb 2012, Thailand; 47 year old man Killed by neighbor’s Pit Bulls as he walked past residence
Jan, 2012, South London, England; 83 year old Leslie Trotman Dies from complications after being attacked by neighbor's escaped Pit Bull
Dec 2011, Thailand; 71 year old woman killed by Pit Bull
Oct 2011, Mezhdurechensk, Russia; killed by Grandmother’s Pit Bull and Staffordshredder
Oct 2011, Luanda, Angola; Pit Bulls devour a 4 year old boy when he is dropped off for a playdate at a pit owning friend's house
Aug, 2011, Chile; 1 year old ripped from Mother’s arms by Friend’s Pit Bull
Aug 2011, Maraval, Trinidad; 11 year old Jesse Dillion Boise killed by his own disloyal Pit Bull
Aug 2011, Melbourne, Australia; 4 year old Ayen Chol killed by Neighbor’s Pit –Mastiff Cross in her own home
July 2011, Spanish town, Jamaica; 62 year old Valerie Stephenson Killed by Relative’s Pit Bull
June 2011, Gauteng, South Africa; 51 year old Gardener killed by Landowner’s Pit Bulls
May 2011, Chaguanas, Trinidad; 46 year old Denise Rackal killed by loose pack of Pitties owned by a policeman
April 2011, Taganrog, Russia; 84 year old woman killed by Pit Bull
Feb 2011, St Petersburg, Russia; 94 year old woman picked off by Daughter’s Staff-a-shredder
Jan 2011, Georgetown, Malaysia; Irish Citizen, killed by illegal Pit Bulls
Nov 2010, Lucice, Czech Republic; 4 year old boy falls off balcony into Father’s breeding “Notso-Nannies” and is ripped to shreds
Nov 2010; 85 year old WWII veteran Maria Sineva dies an agonizing death ( multiple amputations) after being blown up by Neighbor’s Pit Bull
June 2010, Tenerife, Spain; 3 year old boy killed by recently adopted Pit Bull that was neither licensed nor insured as required by law
May 2010, Hattieville, Belize; 65 year old American Citizen Edmund Spain picked off by Neighbor’s Pit Bulls that slipped the fence
May 2010, 3 year old boy killed by Pit Bull
May 2010, Pontevedra, Spain; 2 year old toddler killed by Father’s “Not so” Nanny dog
May 2010, Merseyside, England; 4 year old Jean Paul Massey killed by Uncle’s illegal breeding Pits while being babysat
May 2010, Vanderbijipark, South Africa; 21 year old Jason Waverly killed by his own Pit Bulls when breaking up a fight and they turn on him
Aug 2009, Bueno Aires, Argentina, Nestor Di Tulli killed by his own Pit Bull
Nov 2009, Lima, Peru; 85 year old Santos Garcia gets Darwined by a Pit Bull he had owned for 7 years
April 2009, Nakhan Sawan, Thailand; 37 year old woman killed by her own Pit Bull
Feb 2009, South Wales, UK; 18 month old Jayden Mack killed by a Staff-a-shredder and JRT combo
Jan 2009, Santa Lucia, Venezuela; 75 year old Marcelino Castellanos killed by Neighbor’s Pit Bull
Nov 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa; In the Holy Mother of all Darwin attacks, 74 year old Grace Page is ripped apart by her Pit Bulls. Her dogs wouldn’t release her even while neighbors scalded them with boiling water…*Note; Now that’s Gameness!
Sept 2008, Komotini, Greece; 80 year old woman killed by loose Pit Bulls with bite history
Aug 2008, Nizhnevatorsk, Russia; Pit Bull owner killed by his own dog when he invited his friends to come and visit him for drinks and snacks. When the dog bit the man by his leg, the guests thought that the pet was simply playing with its owner. The next minute the dog jumped down his throat. “It was impossible to pull the dog away. The Pit Bull was clinging to the man’s throat and caused severe injuries to him.
May 2008, Salerno, Italy; 61 year old Paola Palmieri torn to pieces by her Pit Bull
April 2008, Luisgnan, Guyana; Charles Roopchand killed by loose Pit Bulls
March, 2008; Finland; Article states that the entire country of Finland has only sustained 4 DBRFs...one of them, a 2 year old boy killed by a Staffa-Shredder
Sep 2007, Brazil; 29 year old man and 1 month old baby killed by Pit Bulls
Aug 2007, Vladivostok, Russia; Six year old girl killed by her father's pit bull
Aug 2007, Epernay, France; 18 month old girl killed by illegally kept Pit Bull
July 2007, Republic of the Philippines; 56 year old Zenaida Sebastian killed by Pit Bull
Aug 2007, Potstenja, Czech Republic; Pit Bull kills its Master
April 2007, Prague, Czech Republic; Woman killed by her own Staffordshredder
Jan 2007, Marupara, New Zealand: Virginia Ohlson killed by loose Pit Bulls while out walking her dog
Jan 2007, Pinos Peunte, Spain; 78 year old man killed and partially eaten by Neighbor’s loose non –human aggressive Pitties
2007, Ecuador, Unnamed 2 year old girl killed by family Pit Bull
Jan 2007, England; 5 year old Ellie Lawrenson killed while being babysat by illegal Pit Bull
Jan 2006, Mmamashia, Botswana; Unnamed victim killed by Pit Bulls
Aug 2006, Zheleznodorozhny, Russia; Sleeping baby girl crib snatched and killed by Pit Bull
June 2006, Sevran, France; 17 month old girl snatched out of stroller at family dinner by another “Notso” Nannydog
May 2006, Ontario, Canada; 77 John Martin has throat ripped out by his unlicensed –illegal Pit Bull
Dec 2005, Oberlatt, Switzerland; 6 year old boy killed while walking to Kindergarden by Neighbor’s Pit Bulls
July 2005, Tinshill-Leeds, England; 11 month old Liam James killed by family Pit Bull
June 2006, Tenerife, Spain; 50 year old woman killed by her Son’s American Staff-a-shredder
December 2005, Verulam, South Africa; No charges after Gardener mauled to death
Oct 2005, Ponta Grossa, Brazil; 2 year old Guilherme Vieira is killed by his Grandmother's pit bull during a family visit
June 2005, Kenhardt, South Africa; 7 year old Ausin Pieters killed by Neighbor’s loose Pit Bulls despite his Grandfather’s efforts to save him
June 2005, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 53 year year old customer killed by Auto Shop's guard Pittie
Jan 2005, Jaipur, Brazil; 3 month old John Heringer ripped out of his mother’s arms and savaged by ‘family’ Pit bull
July 2004, Pretoria, South Africa; 79 year old Daniel Jacobus va Vuren killed while separating his Daughter’s Pit bulls that were fighting. His wife sits helplessly in the car listening to him being mauled to death
Aug 2004, Palma de Majorca, Spain; 4 year old girl killed by family Pit Bull and ‘Ca de Bestia”
June 2004, Tel Aviv, Israel; 4 year old Avivit Ganon Killed by her Family’s Staffordshredder
April 2004, Jundiai, Brazil; 8 year old Luana da Silva Oliveira died in the hospital after spending one week on life support after being mauled by family Pit Bull which also attacked her entire family. Her organs were donated after they decided to pull the plug
Feb 2004, Niebohy, Czech Republic; Unnamed victim ripped apart by Neighbor’s Staffordshredders
Nov 2003, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa; After Pit Breeder Charles Murray is killed , his family vows not to breed and sell anymore Pit Bulls
Oct 2003, Sobrance, Slovakia, Pit Bull owner being prosecuted after his dogs kill an 8 year old boy
Oct 2002, Capetown, South Africa; 2 year old Caleb Arendse killed by Neighbor’s Pit –Mastiff Frankenmauler
May 2003, UK; 45 year old George Dinham killed by his Staffordshredder that he had owned for 4 years. Note: The link states that after passing BSL the UK had gone 9.5 years without a DBRF. A Pit Bull kills an American every 18 days!
June 2002, Brakpan, South Africa; Domestic worker killed by her Employer’s Pit Bulls
April 2002, 7 year old boy killed by loose Pit Bulls, Romanian Government banned Pit Bulls 6 days later
April 2002, Brindisi, Italy; After Farmer is killed by beserking Pit Bull, Italian Police use robotic IED to blow it up.* Note: GENIUS!
*Update: This article both elderly farmers died in the Brindisi incident
2002, Novobirisk, Russa; Girl killed by dog fighter Dmitry Battlin’s fighting Pit Bull
Dec 2001, Tegucaipa, Honduras; Pit Bulls are banned in the capital city after an elderly pit owner is killed and his wife and grandchildren are mauled. The story cites "at least 10 people have been killed by pit bulls in Honduras over the past two years" Sheesh!
Oct 2001, Riga, Latvia; Man dies of heart attack while trying to save his friend from his Pit Bull. The disloyal beast turned in him
May 2001; South Africa; Two elderly Pit owners are alerted to the dead man in their garden when they noticed their two wigglebutts covered in blood
Oct 2000, Brakpan, South Africa; Toddler Sandy Zuma is killed by defective Nanny dog
June 2000, Hamburg, Germany; 6 year old boy killed by two loose Pit Bulls on school grounds during recess
June 2000, Rochefort, France; 86 year old Maria Berthelot killed by loose, illegal Pit Bulls
Sep 1999, Russia; 7 year old girl killed by Staffordshredder that was locked in the bathroom when her parents went to work
2000, Trinidad, 71 year old Kimmoi Won Wong killed by her Son‘s Pit Bulls
April 1999, Bogata, Columbia; 4 year old girl killed by loose Pit Bulls
Aug 1999, Trinidad; 72 year old Norris Young mauled to death by Pit Bull
1998, Trinidad; Christopher Charles killed by wanted fugitive Steve Furgeson’s Pit Bulls.

Killed by the family pit bull named "Hat Trick" in Ontario
June 1997, Ontario; Canada; 7 year old Sharon Reynolds; Forensic pathologists determined she was killed by a Pit Bull named “Hat Trick” years after her mother was jailed due to authorities believing Sharon had been stabbed to deathJune 1997, Novska, Croatia; 66 year old killed by her own Staffa-shredder Terrier
July 1997, Kiev, Ukraine; 35 year old man…”Abdomen torn out by Bull Terrier”
April 1997, Te Puke, New Zealand; 59 year old Koro Kinsdale killed during an “Adventures in Pet Sitting” episode
Nov 1996, Budapest, Hungary; Hungarian Parliament bans the import/breeding of Pit Bulls after several serious attacks on children including one death
Oct 1996, Stuttgart, Germany; 63 year old woman killed by fighting Pit Bull
June 1996, Germany; 86 year old woman mauled by American Staffy, dies a week later in the hospital
Dec 1995, Toowoomba, Australia; 79 year old woman mauled to death by Pit Bulls
August 1995, Ontario, Canada; 22 year old Jon Peters killed by Roomate’s Staffa-shredders “Rage” and “Apollo”
December 1994, Lancaster, England: 11 month old girl killed by “Bull Terrier”
Aug 1994, Moscow, Russia; Man has throat torn out while sleeping by his “Bull Terrier”
May 1994, Port of Spain Trinidad; 65 year old woman mauled to death by Pit Bulls
Sept 1993, Argentina; Man killed by the exiled President’s of El Salvador s Pit Bulls
May 1993, Carmichael Road, Bahamas; 7 year old Darnette Smith killed by Pit Bull
July 1992, Amersfoot, Netherlands; 6 year old Kaay Roodbergen killed by her Uncle’s Pit Bull
Jan 1992, Moscow, Russia; 3 year old boy killed by family Pit bull
Sept 1991, Australia; Baby killed by Pit Bull. Australia banned the import of Pit Bulls the next day
May 1991, Bradford, England; 6 year old Ruksana Khan killed by her neighbor’s Pit Bull
April 1990, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 1 year old Jack Vrielink, killed by his Family’s Pit Bull
Feb 1990, Beerda, Netherlands; 3 year old girl killed by Playmate’s Pit Bull
Aug 1989, Doncaster, England; 9 year old Jenna Louise Pearson killed by family “Bull Terrier”
Oct 1926, Melbourne, Australia; Christina Olsen killed by her Bulldogs while hanging clothes
*Disclaimer…You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!
Other Resources:
Fantastic job!
ReplyDeleteI too think the Italian strategy of "blowing the sucker up" is sheer brilliance!
This article with Photos blows the "Killer Pomeranian" story right out of the water. I am so glad I saved this article as a retort to the Nutters----
ReplyDeleteMaybe I need to create a web page "How to Identify a Pomeranian".
i LOVE the italian strategy too!
ReplyDeleteputme incharge, THANK YOU! i have wanted to see a photo of that dog. i knew the pom was a mix, cuz the dog bite high priestess said so (funny how all of her minions always leave that out), but i never knew what it was mixed with. i still don't but at least i can harass them with "no purebred pomeranian ever killed anyone!"
a genuine, honest to goodness, true blue, bona fide FREAK accident!
Great blog! Thanks for digging up the truth. Weirdness abounds here - The canadian child determined to have been killed by "hat trick" the staffy years later...
ReplyDeleteThe man who take a san diego bred pit to Tijuana and it kills the grandchild...And thanks for putting this stuff together - 4 san diego bred pits killed people in the last year - People need to know this stuff.
Thanks incharge for the killer pomeranian pictures!
You are welcome Dawn!
ReplyDeleteI have read this blog for ages and have wanted to post before. The Pomeranian thing needed to be addressed,I was SO SICK of hearing it, from those making excuses for these mutants.
I feel like I am spitting in the wind when I try to talk sense about these dogs to others. However I made a stand at an Agility event last month when someone was sharing a "cutsie" story of how they saw a photo in the newspaper where it said "viscious pit bull" and the dog was licking the police officer. He then spouted off in front of 20 of us waiting to walk our course "its all how you raise them".
NOT being a wallflower I then called his bluff and said "Oh so you are saying that if I love my Collie enough I can love her herding instinct right out of her", and then went on with my speach as to how my dog is at least 5 GENERATIONS of Show Breeding with no herding instinct cultivated (no titles on any of them) and how she will still herd sheep, and that is why we want Purebred dogs-because we can predict their traits. People had their mouths dropped but I got a few pats on the back later by others.
Thanks to everyone who does keep the truth out there.
Re:Tijuana fatality, pittie was just trying to warn everybody of the grave danger on the horizon. 300 earthquakes in the last couple of days!
ReplyDeleteYour welcome Karen.
I would list some real statistics from NCRC but, oh wait...I'm sorry, I forgot that they work with the dogfighters of the world to get loads of money and all that bullshit you people fucking feed these idiots. GOD, let me go find my dog fighting buddies so I can get my cash flowing and help support the pitbull agenda even more. I'm just swimming in a pool of cash right now. Oh and my little alien buddy Guido says what's up and How ya doin? He wants to let you know that the aliens are coming down to help the New World Order take over and that everyone is going to be placed in camps with barbed wire fencing and thousands of pit bull round the outside. Yupp gonna be a bitch. What a shame you couldn't end those damn pits sooner huh. I'm all good though, me and the pit bull nutters and the breeders and all the organizations in alliance with us are right up there with the government so we won't be locked up like the rest of you. What a break huh?
ReplyDeleteSheesh!...Really tired of Nutters knowing less about this stuff than just about anyone
DeleteNCRC was purchased by Pit Bull Advocacy Mothership Ani-maul Farm Foundation in 2007. It is owned lock, stock and barrel by the country's wealthiest pit bull advocacy organization..NCRC should stand for "Nutter Cadaver Recharacterization Cabal" They've done nothing but help increase the Country's growing DBRF and mauling hospitalization rate.
Taking canine safety information from NCRC is like
Allowing the pedophiles at NAMBLA to influence Day Care licensing policy and operating rules
Allowing the Alcohol Lobby to influence State Blood Alcohol drving limits
Taking Lung Cancer information from the Tobacco Companies
Perhaps one day mauling victims will be able to liquidate them via class action lawsuit.
Great to know you don't have assets to pay for medical costs in the event the dogmen defeat you. A perfect example of how nutters are not forward thinkers...This is why we should have Pit Owner Debtors Prisons with giant treadmills for generating electrity to pay medical bills....
Need to do a blog piece about all the fundraisers or children facing years of plastic surgeries with the defeated pit "experts" contributing Zero.
Again, Thanks for the inspiration
DeleteYoung Pit Padawan,
DeleteYou've been spending too much time inside Pit Nutter echo chamber..I know the revelations you've seen here are disturbing...
Take the NCRC ownership issue which you reflexively deny straight from the Delise's mouth: Can't blame her for leaving the vet tech field since the average salary is $33 K....
Q: How has the NCRC evolved and grown so far, and what is your ultimate goal for it?
A: One of the best decisions I ever made was to turn NCRC over to Animal Farm Foundation, an organization whose passion for helping dogs and for accurate information matched mine, and who also had the resources that would advance my mission of making accurate information about dog bite-related incidents – and about dogs generally – available to the public.
Under the direction of Jane Berkey, president of Animal Farm Foundation, NCRC has assembled an outstanding group of advisors on dogs and public policy, an incredible staff and has grown into a national organization recognized for its professionalism, accuracy and compassion for all aspects of the human-canine bond.
Is the Human-Canine bond she speaks of prying pit bulls sold by pit peddlers off of children?!?
Now... after you get done closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and stomping up and down like a petulant child, you should give consideration of devoting ten percent of your hatred to the real cause of the pit bull problem.
Those are the individuals selling, fighting, trafficking (recueing) unstable pit bulls. You see, by tip toeing around the bloody elephant in the room (reckless breeding) the pit bull community is not regulating itself like normal breed communities. Regulate YOURSELVES and Pit Bull restrictions won't be necessary.
Easy Peezy!
Ps...stop the trailer trash language or you'll be culled like a pit that won't scratch
Young pit padawan,
DeleteYou've answered your own question as to why this blog exists...
You came in here an ignorant, demonizing and foulmouthed fool.
You're coming away with the realization that Pit breeding and negative breed stewardship is the cause of the pit bull problem.
Additionally, you've learned that pit bulls have killed 8 military children, and that NCRC's salary is paid by pit bull advocacy.
As as labelling things you disagree with as "Hate Speech"...That's a lazy answer.
I do hate that there is zero movement within the pit bull money machine to fix things.
One of my favorite expert quotes:
Dogs' breeding and training determine their aggressiveness, said Gail Golab, director of the American Veterinary Medical Association's animal welfare division. For example, Doberman pinschers were once "a big macho kind of dog" but have become more gentle and docile with breeding in recent years, she said.
The same could be done with pit bulls, which include American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers and mixes of those breeds.
Apparently it can't be done become nobody within the pit community will even address the issue....
Now go out and fix your breed community before somebody gets killed!
Culled Pit Padwaan's garbage posts due to collossally idiotic and narcissistic content.
DeleteNutters never learn...and generally know less about this stuff than anyone
thank you. somebody had to do it.
Delete"Taking canine safety information from NCRC is like
ReplyDeleteAllowing the pedophiles at NAMBLA to influence Day Care licensing policy and operating rules"
"Listen, I really do want to have a conversation with you people."
ReplyDeletewell, addressing us as "you people" is a great start pit padawan.
I have visited your blog for the first time and found it a well organized blog. thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteValves ToowoombaValves Toowoomba
Updated with the baby killed in Mexico...The next DBRF documented will be number 500.
ReplyDeletePit Bulls win!!!
pit bulls have an unfair advantage.
DeleteLate Update....New Mexico's own Michal Nelson became pit bull DBRF victim number 500 on December 16th, 2013
ReplyDeleteOnly fitting that it was a consenting adult nutter...Congratulations!
And the national media is SILENT.. Talk about censorship...
ReplyDeleteLook up ebay item number 301080999641
One by one...