"Pit Bulls are just like other dogs"
They say "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"...and the development of the Pit Bull breed has driven the best and worst of the human spirit. Mankind has risen to the challenge by engineering a cornucopia of devices, apparatuses and methods for dealing with the idiosyncrasies of a breed that should have never been created in the first place.
Let's explore...in no particular order;
1. The Bear Garden: What the hell is a Bear Garden you say?!? In Victorian England, they needed bears and arenas for public baiting events, Entrepreneurial Bloodsporters built compounds called Bear Gardens to bait them and raise them so they had an endless supply! Cost to enter and watch a bear or bull get ripped?....1 shilling.

Note: Whenever a child gets poured into a life-flight Helicopter or onto the Coroner's table...Thank a Bear Gardener. Love the Brits, but they should have never opened this Pandora's Box.
2. The Break Stick: A device used to pry open the jaws of a canine developed for fighting that will not let go. The People who sell them issue the following warnings "Every Responsible Pit Bull Owner should have one" and "Never use a Break Stick on another Breed".

Here, a Pit Bull owner describes his use of a breakstick to release himself when his Pit Bull "Fedor's" eyes went reptilian and it decided to kill him:
I had extensive damage done to the main arterys behind my knee, Fedor grabbed a hold of me and shaked and ripped at my leg for about 15 mins.. he got so deep into my leg and fractured one of my shin bones, the fibula? I dont know how to spell it.. From the moment he went after me I remained as calm as could be.. I used all the training commands that we had worked with as far as dropping his toys.. I eventually fell to the floor cause i couldnt stand anymore, I lost over a liter of blood. I had my girlfriend give me a breaking stick to try to pry his jaws apart.. but whenever i got it in he released and just came right back to the same wound.. I was afraid for my life, and my girlfriends life.. and as hard as it is to say, I shot him. I couldnt take the pain anymore
*Lesson: Why mess around with useless Caesar Milan Techniques and the Break Stick?!?...Just go for the gun!!
3. Crate and Rotate: This a lifestyle adopted in a household with multiple, adult, dog- aggressive Pit Bulls. Each dog is separated in it's own crate and "rotated" (taken out for a few hours daily), with the Nutter making an impossible commitment to maintain this lion taming routine 24/7/365.... Normally, they will take the rotated-ripper out on a pink leash on a walk and lecture neighbors about Pit Bulls. Occasionally, there is a C&R mishap and the Nutter is lifeflighted or killed when the eventual "scuffle" breaks loose.

Note: Have a relative or friend that has deteriorated into this lifestyle?...Stage an intervention.
4. Prosthetic Legs for Horses: Meet Molly who was mauled by a Pit Bull shortly after Hurricane Katrina. Normally, losing a leg is a death sentence for a horse and she was about to be put down. A Veterinarian engineered an equine artificial leg to save her...

A first for mankind!
5. The Rape Stand: Dogfighters needed a safe method for breeding "Champions"* that want to kill each other so they came up with this contraption.

GENIUS! * When the United Kennel Club was founded in 1898, the organization regulated dogfighting in the United States. Three documented "wins" were required to earn registry papers. They still chime in today about Pit Bull safety.
6. Pit Bull Crop Circles...Dog Fighting Primitives use a low cost and efficient containment method of staking out Pit Bulls apart so they can't kill each other. In aerial or satellite photos taken from outer space, these resemble Crop Circles.

The mystery of the British Crop Circle Phenomenon solved...Dog fighters!
7. The Nutter Home Zoo (NHZ): The NHZ is taking the Crate and Rotate system to a disturbing level.... When this Beaver-like Nutter needed a way to prevent to the multiple Pit Bulls in her home from ripping each other apart. She constructed an intricate labyrinth of gates and cages that resemble lockdown systems one might see in a Mental Institution or Maximum Security Prison....

Remember these photos when the Occupy Maul Streeters descend upon your City Council and start screaming at them....
8. Pit Bull Snow Angels: On January 2nd, 2012; Chicago Jogger Charles Finley was attacked by two loose Pit Bulls in a 30 minute, Serengeti-like mauling that severed his foot. Police responded and shot the Pit Bulls. The carcass of one of the pitties melted this beautiful image in the snow before cooling to ambient temperature.

Happy Maulidays!
9. Remote Controlled Dog Exploder (RCDE): In 2002, near Brindisi, Italy, there was a nasty Pit Bull attack when two loose Pit Bulls attacked two farmers. One farmer was killed and after the other survived by hiding in a shed., When Police arrived they shot one maneater, while the other escaped into nearby woods. Italian Police had quite the personnel safety quandary, so they "MacGuyvered" up an Explosives Demolition Robot rigged with a bomb. When the berserker approached it, they hit the detonate button and...KABLOOIE!!!!!

10. The Pet Resume and Interview: WTF is a Pet Resume you say?!? A Pet Resume is a worthless document made by a desperate, civil rights violated - Pit Bull owner seeking rental housing. The goal behind the Pet Resume and interview is to dupe the prospective Landlord into assuming the liability for the likely six figure bloodbath. The resume will show accomplishments such as the $25 ATTS testing or the Good Canine Citizenship Certification, and may include "references" from other Pit Nutters...none of which provide liability indemnification.

Above, two Pit Bulls get dolled up for their interview with the targeted Landlord...Why is obtaining one's own Renter's Insurance or Liability policy such a foriegn concept to Pit Bull owners? Furthermore, why doesn't the HSUS, ASPCA, AVMA and Best Friends put their money where their mouths are and sell low cost liability insurance to Pit Bull owners?....
11. The Pit Bull Panic Button (PBPB): In 2005, the ASPCA published this extremely Canine Racist brief recommending discriminatory reinforced cages and the installation of Panic Buttons in shelters housing Pit Bulls.

Note: If shelter workers need special protection from the ASPCA's precious Pit Bulls, shouldn't Pit Bull Panic Buttons be installed on school playgrounds, street lights and telephone poles in every community in America?...Think of all the jobs that could be created!
12. The Dogbrella: In 1981, after one of his Mail Carrier's was savagely mauled by a Pit Bull, the San Jose, CA Postmaster tried equipping his personnel with "Dogbrellas". The thought was that an umbrella popping open would scare off most dogs, or the biter would attack the Dogbrella.

This novel idea seems to have collapsed as America's Mail Carriers are being hauled off in the Meatwagons at record pace...Apparently, it just pisses off a pit bull, so they've switched to pepper spray...
A carpal-tunnel causing compilation of Pit Bull attacks on mail carriers may be seen here:
For Pit Nutters, The Mailman Only Rings Once
12. The Dine and Dash (D&D): The latest craze taken from the Pit Owner playbook (which might be a cookbook called: “To Serve Man“…) is fleeing from stunned attack victims using the Dine and Dash, or “the D&D“. A variety of techniques can be used during a D&D, from blatantly hauling ass, to giving phony names and offering a worthless promise to pay med/vets bills. Sometimes the reckless owner will traffic the animal to another locality to avoid it‘s euthanization.

The Pit Bull owner playbook

A determined and angry victim launched a cyber web to ensnare this brutal Pit Bull owner who happened to be a Chicago City Cop!
An astonishing list of brazen D&D attempts and techniques to muzzle them may be seen here: How to defeat a Pit Bull owner Dine and Dash
Disclaimer...You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
Your pibble owner has probably the cleaniest and most tasteful of pit bull domiciles, however her gates are not high enough to confine even the most tranquil of pit bulls.
ReplyDeleteIf the pitter Martha Stewart was attempting to create the ambience of a minimum security federal prison, she has done so.
DONNA GREINER needs to work on her crate/rotate technique. or not!
ReplyDeletemore pit bull snow angels please.
Remote Controlled Dog Exploder (RCDE)
I couldn't imagine the world without your list of inventions. And I like how the 1 break stick is made from a human femur. Talk about recycling.
ReplyDeleteIf only a few of these nitwits actually carried a break stick - or maybe attached one to the dogs collar since they're so often out and about without the owner, some of these catastrophes might end slightly sooner.
ReplyDeleteTia Torres had a similar labyrinth of gates put in her home. But because she had a basic cable show, she could afford decorative (and taller) simulated wrought iron gates in her home.
Her house is a maze of partitioned sections — some for the dogs, some for people. What looks like a wrought-iron infant safety gate stretches four feet high in the entryway to the kitchen. A massive pit leans against the gate, eyes fixed on Torres and watching politely.
Think I recognize the chained dogs picture.
"Cancer scientist" and dog fighting afficionado who lied through her teeth to get on a government committee investigating anti-tethering laws that of course the dog fighters don't like and intended to surreptitiously oppose while pretending to be "experts"
Lied through her teeth, perjury, file false documentation, yet this piece of crap is still hired by BioProdigy in Reading Pennsylvania and probaly profiting from government grants taken from your taxes.
Yeah, I trust that research, huh?
Dog fighting goes on, pit bull protection goes on, because the MIDDLE CLASS is involved in dog fighting and breeding for it and pretends to be "honest professionals" to dupe the media and government.
More on Alane Koki. Go down through all the comments, including the CDC one.
The public is easily fooled with university degrees and ostensible credentials, and the public is dying because they need to expose these people for what they are. Cut through the lies, cut through the media deception, cut through the cronyism.
These people have university and media contacts that they use to lobby for their interests. The public gets screwed until they stand up to this.
Wanted to add
This blog is a big splash of sanitizer in this sordid mess.
Look forward to more.
You forgot two very important inventions just for the pibbles.
ReplyDelete11. The VERY BIG chain. I used to hate those, thinking they were overkill, a chain larger than is used for a bull or a stallion is exactly what is required to contain a pit bull. Those hooligans are brighter than I thought.
12. The Spring Pole. I can't think of another breed of dog that uses these. What we need, is for Pibble to develop some power in their grip.
Oh my God. I'm running late for work now because I started reading this post and couldn't stop.
ReplyDeleteI thought half these inventions had to be a joke...but none are.
The beaver-like pit nutter's "Home-and-Garden" house pics (yes April, too feminine flowery for me but yes quite nice decor!) are made all the more hilarious by the FRAMED PHOTOS OF PIT BULLS ON THE WALLS! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Pit Bull Snow Angel! BLOODY TOO!
Will be 15 min late for work but it was worth it
Vintage you are impeding worker productivity with your blog. I hope you are happy.
Wonderful (and sick at the same time) compilations Vintage! Some of it is almost unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteYou're a fucking idiot. I know pit bull and pit mixes that are wonderful dogs. I have one sitting here right next to me playing with my mini poodle and my poodle actually tried to bite the pittie, not the other way around. Oh not to mention the bate Pit that a family friend found as a stray and saved who lets their 4 year old son ride on it's back like a horse. Also, that gate thing... I know someone who had the same thing in their house but, oh wait, they had two Scot. Terrier bitches who tried to rip each other a part. Actually during two dog fights between both dogs the owner got bit and his mother got bit as well trying to separate them. And let me repeat, these were not pitbulls they were Scottish Terriers. It's not the breed but the owner that is responsible for the Pitbulls that attack. Not to mention that most dogs that attack which are labeled pitbulls are not actually Pits but Bulldog mixes, Mastiff mixes, esc. Considering your comments I'm sure you'll delete this because I doubt I'm the only person that has seen your blog and disagrees with it. You're an ignorant person and for all the people like you there are many more that are educated and will continue to stick up for this breed. By the way, I do NOT own a pitbull. I own a mini poodle who is dog aggressive and food aggressive. Who I love dearly and who loves people but will bite another dog if it gets in his face or near his food. Every dog has the potential to be aggressive and every breed. The only difference is that Pits have been chosen as the breed to pick on which was the case for German Shepherds not too long ago.
ReplyDeleteblah blah blah... they have been picking on pit bulls since the beginning because they were BRED to be aggressive.
ReplyDeleteamerica's dog
Anon: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
DeleteYou guys are retards! I have to fucking pits bulls and I got a 2yr old pit mix and a 4month pit bull puppy they are the best dogs ever i have 3 other dogs at my parents dog my jack Russel terrier mix is worse then my fucking pits. the fuckin jack russel has takin chunks out of my hands arms n legs and torn all of my pajamas and my parents have the same fuckin gates in the house because the fucking dogs will tear the house apart. my pits are well behaved they have never bitten one, they have never gone after other dogs before and love little kids my younger sister has be around my pits and they never hurt her at all my mom said she would rather leave my younger sister home with my pit bulls then my fucking jack russel. let me remind u my fucking little JACK RUSSEL TERRIER HAS HURT ME SO BAD AND MY FUCKING PITS HAVE NEVER PUT THEIR MOUTHS ON ME MAYBE MY PUPPY HAS BUT HE WAS TEETHING BUT REALLY BAND THE FUCKING PEOPLE FIGHTING THE FUCKING DOGS NOT THE GODDAM DOGS ITS THE PEOPLE THAT TRAIN THEM. i work with all types of dogs. i work with animal rescues and im an animal control officer in training so u guys dont KNOW FUCKING SHIT SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FUCKING THINK BEFORE U START TALKING SHIT MOTHER FUCKERS
ReplyDeletePriceless, Dawn!
Deleteyou like my x rated version of lorem ipsum?
DeleteHee hee hee!
DeleteVidetur quod aliquid possit legere et scribere an alio peope lingua magis quam alia ratione. Et cur semper populus Sit eorum ignorantia show cum turpi verborum?
DeleteOMNES canes habent capacitytto bite.It iustum est quod quaedam parit habuerit validiore maxillis, et nolite abiicere dimittere semel habent mandit. Amo OMNES animalibus et sum PEETA membri. Nec illud vitium sum ignarus rerum et animalium sustinere. OMNES foveas sunt NON POLLUTUS! Ego conveniunt foveam illam tauros sunt super genus generant pro injuria rationis. sed et plebs adepto canes propter aliquam hip-HUMULUS generatur "frigus" et quod est iniuriam rationis ad adepto ullus animal. foveis postulo a Loy exercitationis et ductu alios Canes non requirunt. Adepto vestri FOVEA SPAYED OR NUETERED! hoc mos succurro controlare super populuum et minui numeri foveis ens euthanized in a cotidie basibus. lets omnes præsentia spoting ignorantia utrumque sicut non faciat utraque parte inviso intellegent. (praesertim dominus hoc website.)
Alios Canes mordere quoque. Rotts et germani shephards, doberman pinchers, et etiam minorem canibus. vide ea, qualia bene. Habeo foveam. ipse est fidelissimum canis omnium time.although non sicut ceteri masculum canibus. Guinea porcos domum habitare facit et felis nec mittet vocem noctu. nt si quid acturus sinite illos auxilium de imperio regere populum
Um....I feel like I reeled away from the raging chimp exhibit and stumbled into a three hour Roman Catholic Mass, YOU RETARDS and now I don't know what to do about the CHUNKS BIT OUT A MY ASS BY MY MOTHERS DOG WHO IS NOT A PITBULL YOU IGNORENT IMBECELES AND I LIVE IN MY MOTHERS BASE MENT SO I SHOULD NOW!!! THEY PUT A HOLE IN MY PJS DO YOU THINK THOSE ARE CHEAP DO YOU?!?! HOW AM I SUPPOSSED TO ENTERTAIN NOW YOU IDIOTS!? OMG!!!! OK, let's be reason able educated people here and let me say DO NOT FUCK WITH ME IT IS DOOM!!!! I am nearly a vet tech and I see my mothers dogs fear me enough to RIP CHUNKS OUT OF ME EVEN THOUH I STAY BEHIND MY GATE, so I will be GOLD, man, or ARUM as you problly like better, see you UPSET me, FUCK!!! And I can't go to BED till my mothers dogs WHO ARE NOT PIT BULLS LET ME!!!!! AND I HAVE TO BE UP EARLY TOMORROW CUZ I HAVE ALTAR BOY DUTY!!!! GOD DAMN!!!!
DeleteHi Sal,
DeleteThanks for stopping by...Three things:
1. Sue your mother. She sounds like a horrible dog owner!
2. Ditch the ambitions of being a Vet Tech as the average salary is about $30K. It is a waste of time and money, plus you will probably be mauled while performing an anal gland squeeze on a Pittie.
3. Did you get molested?!?
The remainder of your gibberish was culled because it didn't scratch.
Dawn they were bred to be DOG aggressive not human aggressive. In the fighting pit they would have to be able to be pulled out quickly by the owners to prevent further injury if needed and would have to be able to be handled by people while in the ring and right after a fight when injured. If they bit their human they would be killed and any dog showing aggression towards people would be culled. Just think about it, has your dog ever been injured and have you ever tried to handle your dog while injured? How has it reacted. I know when my dog got stung by bees and his face was swollen I tried to pull him out from under a table to give him meds and he tried to bite me. So just imagine a pit after a fight having to be calm and NOT bite the owner trying to handle it will SERIOUS injuries. They would have to be absolutely not aggressive towards people in any way shape or form under such circumstances.
ReplyDeleteJust so you know, German Shepherds are bred to be aggressive towards people in that they are bred to have guarding instincts and be weary of strangers. This comes naturally to them. Pit Bulls on the other hand are not bred that way and are not good guard dogs naturally because they were not bred to be weary of strangers. You have to train a Pit Bull to not like people.
you have been duped mr animal control officer in training.
ReplyDeletehere is the TRUTH about manbiters
And you would know the truth. Just to make this clear there are two different people here writing. The one with the pet poodle(me) twice. This being my third time writing. The other person saying they worked in rescue and have pits is a different person.
ReplyDeleteYou cant say you know the truth about anything. You've probably never seen a Pit Bull or any "dangerous" dog in person or had any real experience with one. You listen to what you read online and hear in the media.
In reality I know plenty of Pit Bulls and other "dangerous" dogs and not once have I ever been in fear for my life. The ONLY time I have EVER gotten bit by a dog was my own dog which is a MINIATURE POODLE. Which bit me because I went to reach under the bed to get him out for a walk and there was a pig ear under there and I didn't know and he bit my hand and made me bleed protecting his food. I've slept with a Blue Pit female laying on top of my legs on a couch for a whole night and woke up alive. I've walked a Pit Bull outside and had to protect her from some asshole English Bulldog who's owners couldn't control it. I've played boxing with another Pit Mix and kissed it's head and had it come up to me when I was crying and put it's head up on my knees and look at me with the sweetest eyes telling me everything would be okay. You don't know anything. I read a story in a magazine about some lady who woke up with half her face missing because of a LAB. I've actually read online and according to statistics there's more LAB attacks then Pit attacks. There was a recent case with a Husky just eating off some little baby's fingers when the parents went outside for a minute.
The cases and attacks you hear about aren't the breed. The reality is that certain types of people are more attracted to Pits because of the stigma associated with them and because they look tough. Those people don't know how to be responsible dog owners and any dog, regardless of breed, would most likely end up being unfriendly and even dangerous in those cases because of how the owner is not because of how they are. I live in NJ, in one of the richest counties in the country. I drive around and see people walking with Pits, Rotties, Bulldogs, Boxers, esc. being walked on the sidewalks around here. You don't hear about attacks because there are none because owners here are responsible and know how to treat a dog so it doesn't become aggressive. Now go to newark or something and it's a different story because people there are gangstas and thugs. Go down south and you have hicks who let there dogs run around without leashes and no fences. You drive down there and see dead dogs on the side of the road because people don't know how to care responsibly for animals. That's the home of dog fights. Out west and shit it's the same thing. I bet that every single Pit Bull attack you guys claim to have happened because Pits are "horrible" dogs either wasn't really a true Pit involved or happened in some ghetto area or hick town. It's the people, they're the ones that shouldn't have been bred not the dogs.
while i agree with mst of what you are saying anon. I have one problem though. I guess you would classify me as a hick. i am fro a small town in N>C> Although I do own dogs I have never fought one, seen one fought,or even heard about one locally. I nor any of my friends believe in cruelty to animals and i would get a dog off of the side of the rd. Dead of alive it would not stay on the side of the rd. As a matter of fact all of my animals are rescue animals. I have a degree in Psychology and I speak four languages,Latin being one of them. I have spent most of my life working with animal,I am 32.DO YOU STILL CONSIDER ME A HICK?
ReplyDeleteThe idiotic comments of the wannabe dogcatcher have reminded me of another invention...
Deleteunlike containment, break sticks and the others, the nutters have perfected PIT-GIBBERISH!
Don't tell Dawn what she knows the truth about, Anon 8:34 PM. Who the hell do you think you are? Read Dawn's blogs. She has researched pit bulls to death. I defy you to credibly refute any findings on her "Truth About Pit Bulls" blog.
ReplyDeleteYou can shove your racism and parochialism up your ass, too. I lived in Jersey for years. Yeah, blame the maulings on "gangstas" in Newark. And people from "out West." Have you even been there, you idiot?
Please share more of your incandescent insights with us.
Yeah Miss Margo I have been there. I live in Morris County in Roxbury NJ bitch, come find me. I went to a school with a bunch of white crack heads and live in one of the richest counties in the country. Also, I went to Newark for a Lil Wayne concert. Took the train, got off and walked to the place the concert was at, had some black guy come up to me to get a cig and went to the concert without dieing. I'll tell you though, more then half the people in that town were black and wearing blue or red and trust me, they probably all had a gun at home. I had people I went to school with who were in "gangs" and had ties to the crips and bloods. This is Jersey, in one of the richest counties you have gang ties. Mafia ties. You don't know shit, if you lived here, you were in your own little world. My bf uncle is in the Mafia and came over here from Sicily illegally and opened up a Dunkin over in Parsipanny, made mad money and went back to Sicily. You don't know the shit that goes on in this state, it's right outside of NY...you think there's not going to be gangs and people involved in shit. Trust me, I'm not being racist...I hung out with spanish and black people in school because all the white people were fucking idiots and doing crack and shit. The most the people I hung out with did was drink and smoke some bud. Some kid I went to school with, lived in a mansion, litterally huge house with culumns holding up the roof over a huge deck...atleast a million dollar house...used to sell bud in sixth grade and ended up doing crack and getting kicked of the football team in HS. So tell me..if this shit goes on in the richest county in the state..in a mostly white neighborhood...how I don't know what it's like in Newark were people get shot like 3 times a week. OK, thank you. Actually I have been out west too thank you. I have family in Colorado, Montana, Utah etc and have spent months at a time in all those places. I have family down in NC where you drive around and dogs are running around off leash. Actually a neighbor of my sister's had a Pit that they let off leash... guess what..it didn't attack anyone..it got hit by a car that was speeding down her road, not once but twice...first time it lived and second time it died. I've never seen so many trailor homes as I have down in NC...it's white trash...those same people that owned that Pit..the mother is a crack head and the cops have their house on watch. The other neighbors own an aggresive Rottie and the people at the end of the road have freaking goats in their back yard. You don't see shit like that in Jersey...it's either gangstas, rich people, middle class, or white trash. That's the reality in this world... you can live in your own little box and believe what you want and see what you want but I know what the hell I'm talking about, I've seen it first hand, I've lived my whole live around it.
DeleteYou know what, this is a free country and there's free speech. Hope the person that writes this blog enjoys using that right so that they can continue to write about Pitbulls and how horrible they are. As far as I'm concerned...just delete the above post and any other's by me please. I'm done with this...I don't want any part of it. I sound like an idiot and I fully admit that and I can understand I'm not doing anything to prove a point. I'm just angry and writing out of my ass at this point. So please just do me the respect to delete the above post, this post, and any post mentioning a mini poodle because those are mine. Thank you. Enjoy your life, I hope to God on day you meat a Pitbull that will change your mind and give you the heart to realize it really isn't the breed. I don't mean to sound racist, I'm not at all...I have plenty of colored friends and I have family that some might call "hicks" farmers and hunters..people that normal sophisticated socialites might look at and consider "hicks" and I love them to death. It was never meant to be about color or anything.
DeleteRegardless, I'm done here so enjoy your blogging and continue the "good" work in informing people about the "dangers" of Pitbulls. Who knows, maybe you might save some lifes.
As far as your concerned though, you might want to know that your blogging says more about you than about Pits. It's a well known fact, look it up, bloggers are higher in neuroticism than the average person. So maybe your emotionally stability isn't that far from the emotional stability of the Pits you seem to hate.
Delete your comments?!? That would be Unamerican and racist toward Pit Nutters.
DeleteNah...Your Nutter ramblings shall remain in all their shining glory. Thanks for your thoughts on racism and "The Coloreds"!
Fuck you delete my post. I have personal information I don't want on there. You have the right to say whatever you want on your damn blog. Delete the post that list my hometown and leave the others if you want. I don't care. Call me nutters. I'm taking Psychology classes at a college...what kind of education have you had. Like I said, bloggers are more nuerotic than the average person. That means your more self concious, you have more depression and anxiety issues, and you have other emotional problems more so than the average person. So good luck with that, hopefully you can go see someone and get some help for that and fix yourself :) now delete my post...or I promise I'll have your blog removed so fast from this website it won't even be funny. I don't want my personal information on here and as soon as that post is deleted I'll leave you the hell alone. Thank you.
DeleteListen, they say you get more bees with honey than vinigar so let me be nice here...no personal attacks, no bullshit. I just want the above post deleted, that's it. It has NOTHING to do with Pitbulls. I wrote out of anger in response to another person's post and it wasn't even about you or this blog at that point..I was just annoyed and like I said, I was writing out of my ass and being an idiot and I will fully admit that. So please, out of whatever compassion and kindness you have in your heart, PLEASE delete my post. Also, since you seem to enjoy doing so much research about Pits...and who knows maybe I'm being led like a "bind sheep" into believing they're good dogs...regardless of personal experience with them...by the media and "Pitnutters". What do you know about the fact that most "Pits" are actually not American Pitbull Terriers but in fact actually mixes, different breeds, etc. Not to meantion, that if you look up online for American Pitbull Terrior breeders...you get a bunch of websites of dogs that look like huge hippos..giant heads and bodies...those dogs are mixed with Mastiff in there lines, not always recents mixings..sometimes years ago...which causes larger size, head, etc. Also..all those blue and grey Pits out there aren't really American Pitbull Terriors...grey isn't a possible color of an American Pitbull Terrior..which means that different breeds were added into the blood line previously...but after it was a recognized breed with a recognized standard. Also, American Staffordshire Terriers are not American Pitbull Terriors...you can not duel register an American Pitbull Terrior as an American Stafforshire Terrior...you can do the opposite. The reason why, because the AKC is a legit registry...any responsible breeder or someone looking for a well bred dog looks for AKC registered...not CKC registered. CKC is a pitbull registry...that's why it was made in the first place...they register AST as APT because they don't give a shit...they're not "top class" so to speal. AKC will NOT register an APT as an AST. I've seen you use that as an argument before...saying they're both the same..it's not a good argument...get a different one.
DeleteSo with all that information...can you refute any of it? If not, how can you prove that ANY of the dogs that attacked all these people you keep posting about are IN FACT full blooded, 100% AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIORS...can you? If not..if these are other bully mixes...mastiff mixes, etc...shouldn't you be writing about the dangers or these dogs too..about how Pitbull breeders are using those breeds to actually make Pitbulls BIGGER and MORE dangerous, when in fact an American Pitbull Terrior is supposed to be about 50-60 pounds at the most...they're making their dogs wiegh almost 100 pounds, if not bigger! Giving them heads that look big enough to swallow a small child...let alone grab onto a person and rip their arm off. If you're going to hate on Pitbulls you should include any dangerous dog that can be added into the bloodline of the APT as well. It's only fair :)
OK, so you have failed to remove my post so I'll take that to mean you have no compassion or kindness in your heart or you haven't been on. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the latter. So again, please just delete the above post...not directly above...the first post in which I did not mention anything about Pitbulls and like an idiot listed a bunch of life experiences that are personal and unnecassary because I have anger problems and don't think before I write shit when I'm mad :) thank you.
DeleteOh and just a heads up, I know I said CKC and it should have been UKC...so again idiot moment on my part...I know what I meant but obviously can't prove that to you so you can just assume I don't know what I'm talking about.
Honestly though, you should really stop hating on a breed that doesn't exist. The reality is you don't like bully dog breed mixes, since there is no such thing as a purebred APT, it isn't recognized by the ACK and therefore in the mind of most educated dog breeders and buyers..isn't a legit breed. So really this should be a blog about MUTTS and MIX breeds that have bully breeds in them, possibly boxer, mastiff...well anything that isn't small and furry...even Lab. Since those are the most common breeds mixed in with bully breeds that are involved in these attacks. Although, a friend just recently bought a boxer mix that has spots like a dalmation and has the body of a greyhound and the small version of a "pitbull" head.. So you might want to hate on those breeds too. Knowing that if the dog, god forbid, ever attacked a person it would be called a Pitbull type dog in the newspaper and in the media..even if it looks more like a greyhound and dalmation mix..it does, as I said, have the smallish version of a Pitbull head and the typical pitbull smile...so it is abviously a Pitbull and would just be added to the list of Pitbull attacks. Or maybe the puppy a friend just purchased from a breeder online...which was listed as a purebred APT. Although they said the dog could reach up to 100-120 pounds. WTF..that's a mastiff not a Pitbull..but it was sold as APT and it has the typical pitbull head and smile so it must be a pitbull and would be labeled as such if, god forbid, it were to attack someone. So yeah, you can have a dog that looks like a lab or dalmation or greyhound or anything else..mastiff whatever..and as long as it resembles a Pitbull with the head and smiling mouth...and as long as the owners call it such..it will be referred to as a Pitbull type dog in the media and news.
You can have dogs that look like all of these dog:
Really look at it, I just want you to know what your fighting against here. Do you see that those dogs ALL look different and are ALL referred to as Pitbulls. I just want to know that you know that your fighting against more than one type of dog...your fighting against all MUTTS and MIXED breed dogs that have bully type dogs in their blood. So the reality is maybe all Mutts and Mixed breed dogs should be culled at birth and euthinized in shelters and that the only dogs people should own are purebred dogs. Obviously there's something wrong with mixed breed dogs..something with the difference in the DNA of two breeds mixing together..that causes them to lose it and attack people. It would just be best if all MIXED breed and MUTTS were killed and people only owned purebred AKC recognized dogs. Right? Sounds good to me =] so warning to anyone owning a MIXED breed or MUTT..YOUR DOG WILL ATTACK YOU. ALL THESE DOG ATTACKS WERE DONE BY MIXED BREED DOGS> THEY ARE ALL DANGEROUS>>>EXSPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE BULLY BREEDS MIXED IN THERE. BEWARE AND REMOVE THESE DOGS FROM YOUR HOMES IMMEDIATLY!!!
Now please remove my post so I can stop wasting my time here :) please please please.. =] that's as close as I can get to beggin over the computer...PLEASE!!!! =]
"Pit Bull Terrior", "Coloreds", "APT"
DeleteAnd this one is a college student?....Holy Crap!
Did somebody in New Jersey invent a Pit Nutter Affirmative Action Program?!?
Seriously Nutter,...Your only chance in this world is to go down to the nearest Military Recruiter and beg them to take you. You need structure and focus.
will structure and focus help with the paranoia and other mental health issues?
Deleteseriously, the population of morris county is half a million. does this nutter suffer from such an extreme case of narcissism that they truly believe everyone will KNOW who THIS particular nutter is? i mean especially in light of the fact that you all seem to be from the same cookie cutter mold. you could be anyone.
juat because DAWN has researched and read a bunch of shit and I mean shit, does not make her any better than the dogs she is hating on. She is some of the trash that conjures up media hysteria in a dog bite. she is the type of trash that ignores the attacks of other breeds to focus on pit bull. I would like to meet her on the street and let her speak against my dog, whom I consider a family member, and will defend as such. we would settle it the trashy way. this will be my last post as I do not associate with trash people who consider them selves educated just because they RESEARCH (read) something. trash I say trash.
DeleteI disagree with your blog so very much. You spill out hatred for 'pit bull' owners but the ones you are talking about are from dog fighters whom do not treat there dogs as family members. You have deleted my comment before because you disagree with me but refuse to see that bully breeds are wonderful dogs. Do you know where they live? INSIDE HOMES WITH LOVING FAMILY MEMBERS! Do you know where aggressive dogs live to become agressive? ON A CHAIN IN SOMEONE'S BACK YARD! Unloved uncared for & unsocilized. The people who work with tere dogs who are agressive are the most wonderful pet owners ever. Have you ever read love and a six foot leash? Or two Pitties in the city? Or our Waldo bungee? They all have rescued pit bulls & foster put bulls & advocate for them against your views. The media loves to headline 'agressive pit bull stories' because it would be s pretty boring to read 'today a pit bull kissed a baby' and 'hundreds of pit bulls didnot bite a child today'.
ReplyDeleteAnd miss. Margo. Both my dogs are from the south one asscaped being shot by pellets & has one inher muscle. Rescuers & pit bull advocates try to stop the type of breeding that goes on over there.
By the way. More agressive dogs come from puppy mills that's your pet store puppy if you didn't know that. Then again you seem like the type of person to get a lab from art store because it's 'purebree'.
"Purebree" from "art store"...why yes, I love to snack on Brei on crackers at art gallery openings...how did you know...?
DeleteSeriously, though, I've never bought a dog in my life and I'm partial to sighthounds. My future dog will probably be a retired racing whippet or greyhound.
Check out those two breeds: "unloved, uncared for & unsocialized" and treated like livestock...and they're still as docile as could be.
Anon, you have hit just about all the pit bull cut-and-paste talking points. Congratulations. Your "manbiters were culled" piece was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteGiven the style of your writing and your spelling, my guess is that you are a fairly young female.
This sentence makes no sense at all "The people who work with tere dogs who are agressive are the most wonderful pet owners ever." "The most wonderful pet owners ever" are not likely to have aggressive dogs.
I am pretty sure that she meant the people who work with doegs who have been taught aggression. Like the people who worked with the rescued dogs of M.VICK. by the way almost everyone of those dogs have become companion dogs and were rehabilitated. you guys can call me nutters or crazy but it seems to me that you guys are the ones making fun of everyone who disagrees with your point of view and cannot take being madd fun of back
Deletehi all,
ReplyDeletefrom australia here.
FYI.. highly educated/corporate person, has ridgeback and a lab.
All u pitt bull haters, fair dinkum, closed minds, a lot of dickheads own pits, therefore dickhead dog outcome.
Really, (i think this is USA site), like saying due to higher crime rates associated with negro americans, all negro americans should be deported.
Get your heads out of your arse, u stupid wankers.... no wonder USA no longer super power
from world perspective, all americans should be banned...... they dangerous breed, invading countries willy nilly since 1950's.
ReplyDeleteI guess just like you pit pull angle picking on those weaker... lol, pitty ya cant even win any of your invasions, vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan to name a few.
Maybe your army should be made up of pit bulls, lol,
Why I say 1950... ya didnt even have the balls to join ww1 or ww2, till last minute... ya might learn a bit from the pits in terms of courage... something you lack
Good day Aussi-Nutter!
ReplyDeleteActually, our military did try using Pits but they attacked their handlers and other Military Working Dogs. They proved to be too stupid and unreliable.
The US Military Bans Pit Bulls on it bases after 8 children of service members have been killed over the years.
What--an Aussie nutter shows up, and nobody makes a Steve Irwin joke...? I guess we were all too busy fueling the global economy. It's a lot of work, you know.
ReplyDeleteFor an "educated" person, you can't write worth a damn.
How, exactly, is U.S. foreign policy germane to this discussion? And didn't your country lose soldiers in Iraq, too?
The Soviets get the most credit for defeating the fascists anyway.
You have a nice little country down there. Nice beaches. Cool animals. I hear the fishing is great. And who doesn't like koalas? But you, too, are infested with pit bulls. Aren't you concerned when your countrymen get eaten by pits? Guess not.
what a dumb arse. it is not an issue of "balls".
ReplyDeletecorporate greed has more to do with the US involvement in war.
I have 2 pitbulls and an American bulldog. All three are rescues. The oldest is dog agressive toward dogs outside the "pack," but all three will lick anyone to death they meet. Good luck if you want a pitbull as a guard dog, as the previous comment said. Only a severely mistreated pitbull will turn on people.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with pitbulls isn't the dogs, it is irresponsible owners. Unfortunately, they are the most commonly bred dogs in the Unites States because there is always some jerkoff who wants a "badass" dog and is willing to pay for it. These same people are the ones who generally have no business with a dog in the first place.
It is those of us who rescue these dogs who pay the price in the end because the actions of others have created an image of a dog that speaks more about people than it ever could about the dogs themselves.
I am not a fan of pitbull breeding or fighting. The majority end up in shelters, and the majority of those end up euthanized. The culture of so-called pitbull clubs and similar nonsense only makes matters worse.
However, all this does not mean pitbulls are incapable of being loving, well trained and obedient dogs.
Obviously you ignored everything I wrote before about Pits cause you don't have shit to say since you KNOW I'm right. Maybe this will be a nice splash of cold water in your fucking face... EVERY dog has the potential to kill. They're fuckin predators... they're instinct is to kill and eat fucking things. It doesn't matter how domesticated they are..if there was a pack of dogs and they were hungry and you were there they would chase your ass down and fucking eat you...trust me. Try not feeding any dog for 2 weeks, give it a nice bloody juicy steak, and than try to take that away from it and tell me if your arm is still attached to your body after k? It won't be, regardless of dog breed. They're either decedents of wolves or decedents of a common ancestor of wolves.... you can believe whatever you want but than tell me why, if you mate a dog and a wolf together= wolf hybrid, that offspring is healthy and can reproduce. You mate a donkey to a horse=mule, can't reproduce. Lion and a tiger= liger, very unhealthy and can't reproduce... So what does that mean? That your dog is more so similar to a wolf in DNA and in instinct that it can have normal healthy children with a wolf. It is more related to a wolf that a tiger is related to a lion or a donkey is related to a horse. Get it yet? It's a dogs natural instinct to be a hunter, to kill, to eat raw bloody fucking meat. That's why so many dog owners are feeding their dogs a raw prey model diet...because their dogs have less health problems on it and they liver longer lives on it rather than on processed dry food. No matter what size your dog is...it will kill and eat things. My mini poodle has caught 2 chipmunks and a freaking mouse in the past 2 months. I literally had to grab him and bop him on the back of the head so he would let one of them go.
DeleteWhat does this all mean, that when you(a prey animal, which you are) lets a predator into your fucking home you best believe if your dumb and don't treat that animal right it will fucking attack you. It's the anima part of the brain that controls "fight or flight" instinct. For people, cows, horses, etc. we are prey animals and are first instinct when we are in danger is to run... don't believe it, think about it like this. Your walking in the woods and a bear, lion, tiger...whatever pops out from behind a tree...your taught that you should lay down and pretend you’re dead...yeah right, your first instinct is going to be to fucking run your ass of and get the hell out of there. A god, a predator...same instinct "fight or flight" will look for an escape perhaps but in the end will fight without a problem. Like my little dog, sees a bear in my yard..doesn't go run and hide, he freaking starts barking at it. Huge Mastiff comes into the vet, doesn't hide...starts growling at it...regardless of size a dog will always be ready to fight and attack. So obviously any dog, regardless of breed, and depending on the size has the ability to hurt you and possibly kill you.
Meant to be down at bottom...woops you'll probably want to delete this since it's a double...while your at it you can delete my other post too. Thanks
DeleteA couple of rescuers paid the price recently...Odd you say Pits are poor choices for guard dogs despite the fact that they are the guard dog of choice for drug dealers.
ReplyDeleteThere must be secret drug dealer Pit Bull attack schools!
Joseph L Colby wrote in 1936, "As a watchdog he is unexcelled. This book could be written five times on this one subject, in regard to the American Pit Bull Terrier as a watchdog."
ReplyDeleteMs James,
ReplyDeletePlease don't spam my blog with biased, hateful and non-expert sources such as the Colbys.
Clearly, Pit Breeders are NOT producing and selling human aggressive Pit Bulls. There has to be a very expensive, top secret human attack training school. I am confident that the highly organized Pit Bull community will expose it as soon as the Pit Bull DBRF total exceeds 500!
Good day Madam.
Listen sweetheart APT stands for American Pitbull Terrier. Sorry I don't spell terrier every day of my life and I am a horrible spelling but a great writing. Been told by many teachers I should become a writing. Used to write books when I was little. Write 7 page essays in an hour because I type so fast and know how to fucking write. Usually only thing I get marked wrong on is grammer and spelling because it's not worth my time to learn how to spell every damn word in the world and there's always spell check. No thanks, I would rather not die for a country in which people like you live...thank you. I'm not a Pit nutter. There is no such thing as a Pitbull...it's a made up word for a bunch of mixed breed dogs that have Bullt breed origin. You live your life revolved around fighting against a dog that doesn;t even exist. All those attacks are done by MUTTS...as in any dog with more than one breed in it's blood line...even if it resembles what some people refer to as an American Pitbull Terrior...no such dog breed is recognized by the AKC therefore it is not a REAL LEGIT FUCKING BREED your god damn moron. Now please remove my fucking post you dumn bitch... I swear to god I wish I could see you in person and lets see if you would talk to me like this. You would probably shit your pants once I got the first hit in... so keep acting big and tough behind you nice safe computer.
ReplyDeleteI know I could be anyone, thank you. I didn't use my name but I also put where I went to school and enough detail that if someone I knew were to see this they could possibly guess it was me and I would rather just not have my post on here! Holy shit. Is it that fucking difficult to understand.
Oh and bitch I have a 3.8 average swear to fucking god let him come down and strike me with a fucking thunder bolt if I am lying right now...&& I'll probably be getting into Duke when I'm done with this shit. Than I'm going to medical for 4 years and than I'm going to intern in a fucking nuthouse for a year so I can make over 200k every year of my life and live like a rich bitch... so yeah what do you do with your life? Oh yeah write about Pitbulls...I'm sure you make your parents proud :)
Obviously you ignored everything I wrote before about Pits cause you don't have shit to say since you KNOW I'm right. Maybe this will be a nice splash of cold water in your fucking face... EVERY dog has the potential to kill. They're fuckin predators... they're instinct is to kill and eat fucking things. It doesn't matter how domesticated they are..if there was a pack of dogs and they were hungry and you were there they would chase your ass down and fucking eat you...trust me. Try not feeding any dog for 2 weeks, give it a nice bloody juicy steak, and than try to take that away from it and tell me if your arm is still attached to your body after k? It won't be, regardless of dog breed. They're either decedents of wolves or decedents of a common ancestor of wolves.... you can believe whatever you want but than tell me why, if you mate a dog and a wolf together= wolf hybrid, that offspring is healthy and can reproduce. You mate a donkey to a horse=mule, can't reproduce. Lion and a tiger= liger, very unhealthy and can't reproduce... So what does that mean? That your dog is more so similar to a wolf in DNA and in instinct that it can have normal healthy children with a wolf. It is more related to a wolf that a tiger is related to a lion or a donkey is related to a horse. Get it yet? It's a dogs natural instinct to be a hunter, to kill, to eat raw bloody fucking meat. That's why so many dog owners are feeding their dogs a raw prey model diet...because their dogs have less health problems on it and they liver longer lives on it rather than on processed dry food. No matter what size your dog is...it will kill and eat things. My mini poodle has caught 2 chipmunks and a freaking mouse in the past 2 months. I literally had to grab him and bop him on the back of the head so he would let one of them go.
DeleteWhat does this all mean, that when you(a prey animal, which you are) lets a predator into your fucking home you best believe if your dumb and don't treat that animal right it will fucking attack you. It's the anima part of the brain that controls "fight or flight" instinct. For people, cows, horses, etc. we are prey animals and are first instinct when we are in danger is to run... don't believe it, think about it like this. Your walking in the woods and a bear, lion, tiger...whatever pops out from behind a tree...your taught that you should lay down and pretend you’re dead...yeah right, your first instinct is going to be to fucking run your ass of and get the hell out of there. A god, a predator...same instinct "fight or flight" will look for an escape perhaps but in the end will fight without a problem. Like my little dog, sees a bear in my yard..doesn't go run and hide, he freaking starts barking at it. Huge Mastiff comes into the vet, doesn't hide...starts growling at it...regardless of size a dog will always be ready to fight and attack. So obviously any dog, regardless of breed, and depending on the size has the ability to hurt you and possibly kill you.
Now, for all those attacks, no person after they get attacked by their dog is going to tell the cops that they used to beat their dog or didn't treat it right. And no dog is going to allow someone to continuously beat it and treat it like shit until one day it just snaps. You can beat a dog into submission but one day, any day those instincts can kick in and it will try to kill you. Maybe not eat you...although a Lab did eat a woman's face off while she was sleeping...so you never know for sure. A husky ate a baby’s finger off, must have thought they were an appetizer and wanted to wait a little bit to finish off the rest of its meal.
DeleteMy point there, you don't know what caused any of these attacks. You don't know that the owners, random people, friends...didn't do something to set the dog off because in reality NO ONE is going to admit that they did something wrong to make a dog attack them. They're going to want that insurance money and payback by getting that dog killed. Next, no dog is going to sit around forever and have someone disrespect them... remember they're on top of the food chain...we're under them...predator and prey. That's the reality. So anyone bringing a dog into their home is in danger of their dog just one day realizing it can eat them and it'll like eating them, trust me...they enjoy eating meat. Go to any prey model raw website and you'll see dogs eating whole lamb legs, I've seen one in which the dog was eating meat off a lamb head, etc.. pretty interesting shit.
So you want to protect people from "Pitbull" when in reality none of the dogs you have list in your blogs are really Pitbulls, they're mixed breed dogs that may possibly have some bully breed type in them. And furthermore, your neglecting to inform the public of the dangers of owning a dog as a whole. Now, that seems a little half assed to me. Maybe you should work on that :)
Before you comment I realize I spelled "writing" rather than "writer" so don't even bother commenting on that. Already smacked myself in the head for it.. don't even know...I just don't. Fuck it.
DeleteTypical idiocy...The correct abbreviation for "American Pit Bull Terrier" is APBT.
DeleteI think that we can all agree that if you don't know the proper breed name, you probably shouldn't own one....
Oh well, The world needs ditch diggers too!
DeleteYou know what I've realized...when people correct your spelling and grammer it usually means they can't come up with anything better. That's the only thing you have against me. Since your such a wonderful english teacher though, I'm kinda wishing I had found you sooner. Than, maybe istead of getting only 90s on the elglish comp I and II essay's for the past two semesters I could have sent them to you and you could have corrected my spelling and grammer. Than maybe I would have gotten all 100s and maybe even some start stickers or smiley faces put on the papers. Aww how exciting. Or better yet, instead of getting As in those classes maybe I could have gotten A+++...how cool. Better yet, I have an oral presentation for Italian at the end of this semester, so I'll copy and paste it here and you can correct it for me. Hopefully you know Italian. Actually, I have a philosophy essay due this week for my mid-term. Do you know anything about Aristotle, Socrates, maybe something about Plato's Simile of a Line? Anything about what an a priori truth is? How about some of the arguments for the existence or against the existence of god. I'm sure you heard the argument that since god is a perfect being and it is more perfect to exist than not to exist, god must exist. Or perhaps because the saying "god exist" and "god does not exist" is not a contradition, it is not an analytical argument and therefore is not a true statement. Hmm, none of this sound familiar? It's okay you don't have to have any knowledge about the subject..you can just correct my spelling and grammer and because of you I will get all As...and instead of having 126 out of 100 in philosophy(legit what it says for my grade online, dunno how) I'll have 150 and I'll be considered a genius like Einstein(which prob spelled wrong so enjoy that) who I just read about a 500 pg book about a couple months ago, you know...something only an idiot would do. Got to tell you..all the scientific talk in that book just about made more poor dumb little brain almost explode. Can you believe that? Poor little thing barely survived the ordeal. :)
ReplyDeleteactually i have only read the first 2-4 sentences of each of your comments. based on just that, you appear more deranged with each comment.
ReplyDeleteYou should try reading all of it. Really you should I'm sitting here writing like a dumb bitch because I don't really give a shit what you all think but really what I'm writing about is stuff you should learn about instead of following miss vintage around like a damn sheep :)
ReplyDeleteActually, you know what..no more bullshit. I promise you..tomorrow I will tear this shit up. From beggining to end I will PROVE beyond a doubt that vintage is a fucking idiot that doesn't know shit. I'll stop with the swearing and the dumbass remarks and I'll spell check and everything. Also, I'll list links to legit sights..not wikapedia or some bullshit but actual scientifically proven shit and shit written by people that do more than write blogs for a living that will prove my point. I promise you, all your smart little know it all about pitbull beliefs will have to be flushed down the toilet when I'm through with this shit. Starting with the fact more than half the links on this blog don't work...nice job making this shit up. Put some links that work, do you expect people to just read what the links say and believe that OMG ALL THESE ATTACKS REALLY HAPPENED! EVIL EVIL DOGS! oh yeah they do...those are the people that keep responding to my post like dawn james over here. SMART SMART people. glad you really took the time to become educated about the subject of pitbulls. Go to someones blog and read a couple stories written on some bogus websites and all the sudden your a specalist in pitbull attacks and the dangers of pitbulls. It's pretty fucking amazing.
ReplyDeleteAnon, As Dawn James has said, it is impossible to read what you have written.
ReplyDeleteAnon said "know what..no more bullshit. I promise you..tomorrow I will tear this shit up. From beggining to end I will PROVE beyond a doubt that vintage is a fucking idiot that doesn't know shit. I'll stop with the swearing and the dumbass remarks and I'll spell check and everything."
Life is too short for this. You appear to realize that spell check exists but have yet to use it. Your last comment was 10/20/2012 and tomorrow apparently never came in Jersey because today is 10/22/2012 and the definitive pit bull essay has not appeared.
Go to the first post on this blog about nanny dogs. All those comments are written by me. Being a good person, spellchecking, and working my ass off trying to find information to back up or dismiss Vintage's claims. Trust me, I know life is too short for this shit. But I love Pitbull type dogs, I've met many of them throughout my life, and honestly I know this is wrong and I'll do anything to prove my point and prove that all this information is bullshit that has no basis in fact at all. So go to the first post and tell me if I'm still being a lazy dumb bitch or if my effort is at least worth it :)
ReplyDeleteOh man, no way I could read more than just skimming from the various anony-nutters here.
ReplyDeleteThese days, kids like anony-nutter are not told "I'm sorry Billy, you are not college material. You should go work in a nice rubber band factory." I think this is because: 1. the US probably doesn't make rubber bands anymore and 2. in the PC world all kids are special snowflakes and it is everyone else's fault when they underachieve (and you might catch a law suit or get fired if you disagree).
Anony-nutter, do not trust your gut or mind in anything in life. In every instant, do the exact opposite of what you would like to do, if you hope to live longer and prosper more.
Nutters like this are just more than any person can handle. Told they are a great writer but they ramble in huge blocks of text? Please.
No probably not. It's not rambling as much as "letting of some steam" so to speak. Trust me, go read the post in the first blog and tell me if I still sound like the same nutter. The only reason those post came out like that is because I wrote out of anger and didn’t put any effort into what I was writing. If I tried I could have made it all a lot more worth reading. That’s my fault and I fully admit it. No need to be an asshole though. Really I promise you, for me going to school it is worth it. I have goals for my life and I know I will reach them. I know I’ll be getting a big paycheck at the end of the day which for all I know, you probably don’t get shit. All of you, sitting here wasting your life away fighting against a “breed” of dog that doesn’t even exist. Pitbull is a term for any mixed breed dog, consisting of multiple bully breeds and usually some lab or whatever else mixed in there as well. All these attacks are done by dogs owned by idiots. I’ve read through the list on the first page. Chained dogs, dogs being illegally bred, dogs that were obviously vicious and the owners were too dumb to have them destroyed in the first place. That’s what gives pitbull type dogs a bad name. So when someone like me, who’s had multiple good experiences with this type of dog come on here I’m accused of being an idiot and not knowing what I’m talking about. When I have firsthand experience with these types of dogs and half of you people that come on here probably never even met a pitbull type dog, let alone had any bad experience with one. You see all these attacks and you don’t look at the bigger picture. It’s not the breed as a whole, it’s owners…and not only that it is BAD dogs who are aggressive who are ALLOWED to live by their idiot owners and then attack people. If all those dogs would have just been killed to begin with than the only dogs left would be the ones that are actually good dogs, and sites like this wouldn’t exist.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you are likely a 16 year old, C- average high-school student. If you are indeed "taking college classes," I'm sure they're 1- or 2-credit evening classes, by which means you are attempting to make up for your pathetic high school grades and lack of participation in worthwhile extra-curricular activities.
DeleteAs DubV mentioned, thanks to every child now being a "special snowflake," many young people today no longer bother to cultivate the ability to spell, use correct grammar, or put together a cohesive argument. And you, Anonymous, are Exhibit A in the museum of "youth who are egocentric while, at the same time, utterly uneducated and untalented."
I concur that your only realistic option is to join the military. At least if you live on base, you won't be able to risk other people's lives by owning pit bulls.
Oh, SORRY--"pit bull type dogs."
We'll handily ignore the fact that the UKC has been maintaining a registry of pure-bred pit bulls for the past 100+ years, of which many thousands have become show champions. (And need I add, that the pre-requisite for UKC registration of a purebred pit bull in the early years was that the pit bull had to have won several fights?)
And in case you're wondering, why nobody here is responding to your bullet-pointed list of "why pit bulls are safe and Labs are dangerous," please refer to the following graphic: http://www.scribd.com/doc/53260018/Educate-Now.
Good luck getting that "big paycheck at the end of the day." You'll need it to pay for your future out-of-wedlock babies and for the damage inflicted on innocent victims by your pit bulls.
Tired of being nice, anony-nutter is out to lunch.
DeleteFunny that you, anony-nutter, don't believe that we are emotional about this issue as well. At least, you feel you have a pass to be given for emotionality while we seemingly would not. The commenters at these linked blogs are emotional about this YET they manage to express themselves clearly and in proper form that includes connected thoughts organized by generally accepted rules of discourse (PS your rambling blocks of text do not quality).
What is it about anony-nutter that prevents him or her from following suit? Is it the sheer strength of their emotions that would battle down the most formidable of intellects, or, and my pet theory, that they are dumb as a box of rocks but just not smart enough to realize it?
From what I can tell, anony-nutter, the posters here have more integrity and intelligence in their little fingers than you have in your whole body.
You are a victim of the Dunning Kruger effect, and, as this construct would predict, you are unaware even of that.
Please reflect upon these things.
"The only reason those post came out like that is because I wrote out of anger and didn’t put any effort into what I was writing. If I tried I could have made it all a lot more worth reading. That’s my fault and I fully admit it. No need to be an asshole though. Really I promise you, for me going to school it is worth it. I have goals for my life and I know I will reach them."
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ, for real, this is getting awful.
You sound out of control.
Please, for your own sake, go to your campus student health center and talk to someone.
I'm not patronizing you. I'm really worried.
DeleteAnonymous, you are likely a 16 year old, C- average high-school student. If you are indeed "taking college classes," I'm sure they're 1- or 2-credit evening classes, by which means you are attempting to make up for your pathetic high school grades and lack of participation in worthwhile extra-curricular activities"
ReplyDelete-Do you know what people my age do? They go out and drink all weekened long and destroy their livers, possibly drive drunk and destroy people's lives and their own. Do you know what I did this weekened. I sat at home and studied for 4 freaking midterm exams. I'm young enough to know better, too young to resist...let’s just say. I still make mistakes and still let my emotions control me sometimes and still sound like an idiot sometimes. That doesn't mean I'm not educated and I don't know better. That just means I'm still young and I still have a lot of growing to do. Do you remember were you were when you were 21? What you were doing? Depending on how old you are and considering you were a guy...you were probably trying to get every girl you met to screw you, so you could prove to your best buds how cool of a guy you are. Probably spent every night out drinking, hit up the go-go bar every once in a while. So yeah, tell me you've never been an "idiot" any day in your life. Tell me you were an intelligent young man who went to college and didn't go to any parties and didn't get laid till you were married...dare you to.
"The Bear Garden"
ReplyDeleteDoes that say more about the dogs or about people in general? Let’s see, in the Roman times they had the coliseum in which they would go out and round out thousands of animals and then put them in there to fight against themselves.
Than in Elizabethan times you have The Bear Gardens…another entertainment for people to watch things get ripped apart and see blood fly.
Why? Because it kept the public calm. Whenever the public would get up in arms and get upset because there were poor people without food. The Romans, the whole damn population was practically poor..living of rations of stale bread and whatever glop they could get their hands on. People, we’re pathetic…including all of you, because genetically, since you all believe in genetics so much, we all originate from these people who were so easily amused by the pain and death of suffering animals to the point that the royalty or the Republic could treat us like animals and we excepted it as long as they kept us amused. People are pathetic, we’re so entertained and involved in tragedy. You see it every time there is a horrible car accident and people on the OTHER side of the highway slow down to see what happened. Instead of just moving on they NEED to see what happened, how bad it was, maybe even hoping to see someone in a body bag being wheeled into the ambulance. Every time you turn on the news and BAD news, people dieing..being shot, horrible car accidents. Why? Because people don’t want to hear cute little stories they are more entertained by violence. That’s human nature. That’s how people’s minds work. Including any of yours and mine. You can’t fight genetics…you can’t fight the way our mind works. We created these bloody sports, we continue to have people that go out and kill animals for sport, going to places like Africa and trying to shoot down Rhinos and Lions because it’s a trophy animal and they’ll have a right to brag. I would prefer a 12 Pitbulls in my home over most people in this world.
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ReplyDeleteNormal posters carry on...
I am a long time pit nutter whatever that means. I have 5 and wouldn't own any other breed . I know this is an old thread, but i came across it and it made me absolutley sick on my pit nutter stomach, and whoever came up with this nutter buisness obviously has nothing better to do than sit around and bash the pit bull.
ReplyDelete""I have 5 and wouldn't own any other breed ."
Deleteisn't that being prejudiced?
Not only breedist...but a breed supremacist!
DeleteThese pit mooks really kill me...30 Americans killed by pits over the past 12 months...yet this blog is "upsetting"...
Makes one wonder how Obamacare will deal with such individuals when the get mauled by their own dogs...
Less advocacy and more culling please!
For someone so very educated, as it seems, in pit history, you are sadly lacking in real world experience with the animals. I have been a vet tech for over 10 years, have owned, pet-sitted for, and rescued many animals, and also own an ex-bait dog. He is the kindest soul I know. You have put so much time and energy into your blog, pinpointing your hate with great exactitude. I applaud the energy put forth, no matter what my stance is on the matter. If this is the way you manage your hate, wittiness, and sense of purpose, it may raise hackles but at least it's not harming anyone or thing in the real world. This kind of hate, if not sarcastic, can manifest itself as serious mental illness if taken outside of cyberspace. I'm hopeful that you are not also carrying out hate fueled, or violent activities in your daily life. Considering your stance on perceived violent dogs, that would be quite ironic.